" LESSÓS .66 \*



1. Verb + pana conjuncts.


• •

Dialogue: ^tum kel apen frend

se miła?

- .

' hem nehl mil paya

jjfp «• 1

kahis ki u bimar reha.

id you se^e your friend yesterd I could not set him beoause


he was sick. * (I didnft

> •

^ •

get to see him.)



, .^pana" added to a verb conveya« ability.

•    9

means "to get".


1. Repetition vK hejn u 8aki8 nehl dek.h paya-,^


hem kel rat nehl soy


• p£ya

I could not see that

• %

*    i •


ł+ •

I did not get to sleep

e *

~    w

last night.


hem pejr per nehl će«dh I did‘-nqt get to cliab on

•# *


Ram will not be able.to


ram i kam nehrl ker

«    i




hem tln4mehlna se

fljl ki ejthhar neh!C

« « pedh paya

i >

the tree. '

i? /


do this job.

‘ ^ *

have not been able to.

I :

ead the Fiji newspaper


sińce three months.

• / 142


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