podstawową silą motywacyjną. Znaczenie pieniądza jako środka motywującego jest silnie zdetenninowane poprzez indywidualne potrzeby i oczekiwania i zróżnicowane w poszczególnych grupach zawodowych w zależności od wieku, pici, wykształcenia.
Słowa kluczowe: motywowanie, teorie motywacji, kapitał ludzki, płaca
This article attempts to describe the issues related to the use of tools and methods to motivate the human Capital management in the management of smali and medium-sized enterprise. At the outset characterized modem theories and models of employee motivation. Motivation is something that stimulates the body to act, which gives it direction. In other words, a set of procedures, the application creates, sustains and directs the behavior of cmployees in the company. The next section presents the mam detenninants influencing the motivation of employees. Jobs in smali and medium-sized firms, compared with large, place greater demands on workers employed in them. Managcrs of these firms emphasize that they value in employees: the experti-se, experience, creativity, flexibility possessed the skills and loyalty. The last part of the payroll were considering methods for motivating employees.
Wages are an important part of the incentive system. It is a basie motivational force. The importance of money as an incentive is strongly determined by indiyidual needs and expectations. and is varied in the different occupational groups according to age, sex, education.
Keywords: motivation, motivation theories. human Capital, wagę
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