Wykaz dorobku naukowego
1. Jaremko Ł, Jaremko M, Buczek A. Broda MA, Kupka T, Jackowski K. !H and 13C shielding measurements in comparison with DFT calculations performed for two 2-(acetyloamino)-N,N-dimethyl-3-phenylacrylamide isomers. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2015; 627: 1-6 (IF = 1.991).
2. Buczek A. Broda MA. DFT study of NFI—O hydrogen bond between model dehydropeptides and water molecule. Mol. Phys. 2014, 112: 639-644. (IF= 1.670).
3. Wałęsa R, Buczek A. Broda MA. Conformational properties of modified amino acid residues. CHEMIK 2014; 68: 329-334 (IF = 0.000).
4. Man D, Broda MA, Buczek A. Kawecka A, Siodłak D. The influence of selected amino acids on the dynamie properties of the liposome membranes: ESR study. Nukleonika 2013; 58: 443-446 (IF= 0.321).
5. Buczek A, Makowski M, Jewgiński M, Latajka R, Kupka T, Broda MA. Toward engineering efficient peptidomimetics. Screening conformational landscape of two modified dehydroaminoacids. Biopolymers 2013; 101: 28-40 (IF = 2.572).
6. Broda MA, Buczek A. Kupka T, Kaminsky J. Anharmonic Freąuencies of Solvated Molecules in the Complete Basis Set Limit. Vib. Spectrosc. 2012; 63: 432-439 (IF= 2.083).
7. Buczek A. Wałęsa R, Broda MA. (3-Tum tendency in N- methylated peptides with dehydrophenylalanine residue. DFT study. Biopolymers 2012; 97: 518-528 (IF = 2.572).
8. Buczek A. Kupka T, Sauer SPA, Broda MA. Estimating the carbonyl anharmonic vibrational freąuency from affordable harmonie freąuency calculations. J.Mol.Model. 2012; 18:2471-2478 (IF = 2.336).
9. Buczek A. Kupka T, Broda MA. Extrapolation of Water and Formaldehyde Harmonie and Anharmonic Freąuencies to the B3LYP/CBS Limit Using the Polarization Consistent Basis Sets. J.Mol.Model. 2011; 9: 2029-2040 (IF = 2.336).
10. Buczek A. Kupka T, Broda MA. Estimation of formamide harmonie and anharmonic modes in the Kohn-Sham limit using the polarization consistent basis sets. J.MoLModel. 2011; 9: 2265-2274 (LF = 2.336).
11. Buczek M, Ptak T, Kupka T, Broda MA. Experimental and theoretical NMR and IR studies of the side-chain orientation effects on the backbone conformation of dehydrophenylalanine residue. Magu. Reson. Chem. 2011; 49: 343-349 (EF= 1.618).
12. Buczek A. Siodłak D, Bujak M, Broda MA. The effects of side-chain orientation on the backbone conformation of dehydrophenylalanine residue. Theoretical and X-ray study. J. Phys. Chem. B 2011; 115: 4295-4306 (IF= 3.471).
13. Broda M. Buczek A, Siodłak D, Rzeszotarska B. The effect of (3 methylation on the conformation of a,|3-dehydrophenylalanine: a DFT study. J. Peptide Sci. 2009; 15: 465-473 (IF= 1.807).
Buczek A. Broda MA. Właściwości konformacyjne izomerów Z i E reszty a,(3-dehydrofenyloalaniny. Rozdział w książce pt.: Na pograniczu chemii i biologii TOM XXIII Poznań 2009 str. 105-112.