jj. Narodni Museum v Prazc. Exposition Lc nioimment reuolułiotmaire hussite. Premiero sallc: conditions ćconomiqucs et sociales dans les campagnes tchćqucs aux xm° et xrvc si£cles. A gauchc, bustc du roi Premysl Otakar II, 1253-1278, moulage d’un bustc du triforium de la cathćdralc Saint-Guy de Prague, ct carte de 1’Ćtat tcheque au xm° siacie. Sur les panncaux, copics de miniatures gothiqucs et tableaux indi-quant les salaires journaLicrs payes pour lc travail agricolc, et montrant 1’amoindrisscment et lc morccllcment progressifs des terres pay-sannes. Dans les vitrincs, objets dc grandę vaieur dćcouverts dans les ruines de la forteresse dc Semonicc, premiero moitić du xivc sićcle. On remarque un ensemble d’outils agricolcs dc l’epoquc.

jj. Exhibition Hussite Rerolutionary Movement. The first room: Economic and social conditions in the Czech villages in the i3th.and i4th cen-turics. Left, bust of King Premysl Otakar II, 1253-1278, cast from a bust in the triforium in St. Vitus* cathedral in Prague, and a map of the Czech State in the I3th century. On the pancls arc copics of Gotliic miniatures, and tables showing the daily wages reccived for farm work and illustrating the gradual reduction and splitting up of pcasant holdings. The show-cascs contain valuablc objeets discovered iu the burnt-out ruins of the fortress at Scmonice (first half of the I4th century), including a collcction of farm implcments of the time.

the historical and social development of a given region in all its continuity, madę the error, when presenting certain historical periods for which there was very little original materiał, of replacing the latter by texts and diagrams which, far from being of an auxiliary naturę, constituted the main aspect of the exhibitions. Exhibitions organized on these lines were often duli and uninteresting and therefore failed to achieve the desired results.

5. This exhibition, which was opened in February 1958, will be dcscribed in a spccial articlc to bc published in Museum.

Thus the exhibition organized by the Department, of Historical Archaeology of the Prague National Museum from December 1953 to the end of 1957 on the Hussite Revolutionary Alouement was of fundamental importance, for it paved the way for the reinstallation of all the National Museum’s historical collections with a view to presenting, in accordance with the new and progressive conception, a generał picture of the history of Czechoslovakia from prehistorie to modern times. Difficul-ties, due in particular to the problem of finding suitablc premises, obliged the National Museum to prepare its new installation by stages, during successive cxhibitions which provided yaluable experience. The Hussite revolutionary movement, at the beginning of the 15 th century, one of the most glorious episodes in the history of Bohemia, never fails to arouse keen interest among the population at large; and was therefore chosen as the theme for the first stage of the reinstallation work. The second stage was devoted to The Prehistorj of C%ecbos/orakia.b



Podobne podstrony:
)2. Narodni Museum v Prazc. Cxposition Le rnoiwcment rłvolutionnaire hussite. Premicrc sallc: ć
.1 12. NArodnI Museum v Prazc. I.a Semaine des musłts celćbrće solcnncliemcnt cn 1956 a ćre rcn
3). NArodnI Musbum v Praze. Exposition Le motmmtnf rerolutionnairc hussite. Situation stra-tćgiąue i
/./. NArodni Technicke Museum v Prazc. Au Musće national de la tcchmquc & Praguc, minc dc f
16■ Narodni Technickś Museum v Prazc. Esposition Trarail de precision, production par-faitCy organis
19. NARODNi Technicke Museum v Praze. Exposition Le Palais de la Decounerte a Paris. Exposition
1*. < -
i. Na rodni Museum v Prazc. Le Musee nacio-nal, construit A Praguc, autour dc 1890, dans lc style ne
■ Kv;4 /7- Botanicke Oddćleni NarodnIho Musea v Prazc. Lc dćpartemcnt de botanique du
26. Slovenske Narodni Museum, Martin. La construction des chalets s!ovaqucs.- 26. Slovak chalet
ji. Nawodni Museum v Prazc. Esposition L< momemoit rerolntionnairc hussite. Premierę salle: 
64. NArodnI Galerie v Prazc. Galerie natio-nale, Prague: la collcction dc sculpture tcheąuc du xixB
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