The charactor of the regime itself, and the real breadth of ita appeal, is beat seen not in the Xing's broadcast, but in the broadcast madę for Rumania, but not published in Britain, of a Manifcsto signed by the leadera of the National Peasant Party, the National Liberał Party, the Communist Party, and the Social Democratio Party.

Among other thinge the Manifesto stated:--


"Rumanians, in face of this cataatrophic situation, the national and democratio parties, that is the National Peasant Party, the National Liberał Party, the Communist Party, and the Social Democratio Party, which ceaselessly fought both the pro-Axis foreign policy and the dictatorial regime inside the country, United in the national democratio bloc formed on June 20, 1944, cali you today to the struggle for the reconąuest of liberty and for the salvation of the country.

"The Fathcrland was in dangar. The national existence was at 3take.

The Rumanian State was threatened with destruction. In the hour when Europę was rising to a cali heralding peace and freedom, when nations were awakening to defend their violated rights, Rumania, tied to the Axis by a blood-stained and humiliating alliance, was wasting her last energies in a suioidal war.

"On behalf of the people, the national democratio bloc demanded that the war should cease at once. Tho national democratio bloo demanded on the country's behalf the cancellation of the alliance with the Axis. On the country'» behalf the national democratio bloc demanded the removal of the diotatorship.

"On the country's behalf the national democratic bloc demanded that our people be restored its political rights under a regime of freedom and deraocracy.

‘"The continuation of the war aiongside the Axis would have led Rumania to uoelesa sacrifices and to inevitable cata3trophe. As against this, and in view of the Molotov statement confirmed by the aeclarations of President Roosevelt and Premier Churchill, which guaranteed our independence and the sovereignty of our State, we offered our country the ohanoe to avoid attending the Peace Conference in the ranks of the States which wero overcorae by total disaster.

"Peace muot not find us aiongside those who sold our frontiers and violated our country. We had to wipe from our brows every tracę of association with Hit.lerism in order to return to our true aestiny. On the soil of France, the march of liberating armies goes on. Italy, awakened, is shaking off the Fascist diotatorship. In Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia,

Poland, and Greece, friendly nations are suffermg and fighting, carrying arms against foreign occup&tion and for the triumph of a peaceful and free way of lifo. Ali our history calls us 'to tho side of the3e martyred nations. We shared with thera tho victory of 1918 against German imperialiści. With them we want now to snare x,he joy of liberation.

"Rumanians, our decision means nothing unless it means an immediate struggle. Wherever you are, our cali must reach you. Citizens and soldiers, the national democratic bloc supports the Governraent appointed by His Majesty the King for the purposc of achieving an armistioe, ousting tho Germans and abolishing the dictatorial regime. Unitę and fight side by side against the German tr&itcrs who, after breaking their promise, turn on our oountry as enemies. Chase out of .the country every German soldier! Disarm the Germans and prevent them at all costs frem destroying the wealth of the country, either in military formation, or as individuals. Deprive them of every means of fighting, and make them abandon our land as soon as possible."

(SubScription rates: Home and abroad--To former subscribers 30/- half-yearly, 50/- yearly. To new subscribers 35/- half-yearly, 60/- yearly, ineluding postage. Airma.il (where in force at l/3d.), 54/- and 27/-extra. Published by The Week News Service Ltd., and edited by Claud Cockburn, 21 Bloomsbury Way, London, W.C.l.

Printed by the London Caledonian Presa Ltd. (T.U. in all Departments), 74 Swinton Street, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C.l.)


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