
TWPefeW}*«4rfft Irtiii Utf*se**.Am»aUtr tbe«. *t* l'imwm*.il

A wcoi>d «ra ihdl omsed wwitf proWeaw fi* the nrsemchcw rdfttoł Jo the gucMum ot whdbcr t Vy *w

Irtóngtod m norwng problem* r*r * W    ‘« -,>mFłse,hi Pn,Wru ** *ml lca‘‘10 fhc act,v,,V

w in relztiou ourons    hm^probUrnwlhut puiioiiw/dieni*|>tese«jłand thoł minuMiłw)

willi thrcdly 01 lbrongh tejcrral Ai rhifi stage ol t!iefc>c*jKh, manyoł itu Uli.-TUiftrd pioMsroi j*ml inttrvcmi*>u‘ wcic. tur the paiK*yi«|>tam tociised, c.a irregułar *Jcep. lacfc of mobilny, Iow *cU Kstwrm. wnnltlug

h*d to tv nviilł'icgaAlmg'h«*Mntv lp wh&H «V*e symptom* slUHild beduMercd W torm the coneepi .j( a imrwtg pjwWan or mtemAliun Ihr des itinn v&* madę U> dittlci ttóftr <«ic*j** Ul SBĆh a wu* a-i t<> dctine thero t.i 4łttwer lewi ot absmtętwu. whish w«w ctms^em will' ttenw deUilcd tn pre.YUurdy dcsigned NMI >Sv

IIh R<i\uul I Delphi guaftmnaire fr«oveva>fic iaduukd lour brmd categofiesol mifsniu work ,u1tvnv: patiem/ ilttint jmiHom, nurdng mtemntiions, coordinatiun aml organum km ,d ciur W outcom^ of ttte PaliieuU dicni probierni, nursmg uitcmninony snad caitcomcu ot vare wen suhsggueatly Mih-d>vUlnl Into physUaJ. pafrcłuiloj&al and nociaJ domsiiwof musiup Wf*k l«* Appcndit fc> \ >e|ptu KouikJ 1.1 &3OucAtotsnaifc lormy far * a>py of tbe Ronini I Pdphi ()u**.Kti»mrtairc).

IV Hoiiiul 2.and Rotind I Ddphi guestkinnaife fremcwwk? incUnlcd Ihc ffetut feur hwaiil *:sk?g«nc* ot mmtng wock aaJfiiy otulina# in ihe Rouud l Delphi querttomwi?j\ i.c. pnucm/clłcm prdWcrro. numng m«-rvcmł<mx . fmrdir.atk>n and orpmisorian ot cate and outeomesoi' cane. Agam. Ihm- tatcgoi te* werc 5ub d<vnlciJ lnu* phyucaL płychological and «*cial domanu of miiHUig wmk


flw: tHlmnry atiu o! the 1 tdphl <urvev waa to yjain couuctutłi on the core cienienia <>l luitllng C4it in lidami ie. tluii<iMt*«cU uftuir..nj| tłwtf tell uamoo aboui the con!iiUu*k>n that nutwi make U> tUaUh sSptt. Por the puipfłWćf ńm Mud*. <m»unwt:v waMh-tinai m a levet ttf generał agreemeot on what mim beheyeił to bt the ot' clcnants ot murjng ęarc Oyrr the łosi iwo rognds of the «irvty, conseimw was operattonaliy detilted m ttrrosiH nnpoiuncr. tmjuency »;k! rdevancc ot paltcm/cliem probierni, mmhng iDtcrventiof»,cu Ofdinalitm aml t>ieanUatlnn ol tair .md nutiomes of uimun^ care u* tmrsing practice. In Rouml 5, conwnsus was nw.umd h mg tlłs ri^miulciiM to raU lhe:i levd ot agłtrmnw ihai cach of these Ifems wete, In fact,conr dnuems ot mirsingv»rr IV conccpt> ot importom*, tregueru.) and rdesTinie were uweł i<. irytn get at Itic mufti iilmcnMon*l iwiurc of nurstng pranuie.

I tu Rouml I uftlic Udpht «r^ ihtrjH^tionaf tertnfc lhe<onćqn of Vore' w« defirwd ateording to a) a wbiAtht? meisuir .‘i imysntansc amł h) an objectKc mcasure of trequ$ncy. Iłicrctoie, ialtaund I ot the Delphi

tnrnr7f,hr rerpomlent^ wrnr««M to contidet the gnestumnatre Ucms In terma fif importance anJ fteguency of BCturrwM 111 ihetr arvs» <tf Work.

u\ Huuml : v.i hv t Vlphi łutvey, IV umicpt n» core' Wss ddmed accoiding to aatibjectwe mcasuttr ot crłrT 1 :kC ,,1c ^«p.*ndrntv in Romid 2 ol the Delphisurery werrtKked t« ratę tlvepauciu/client p«>Wctnv

m»‘mK mtęnrnttow, co .mlrnatmn and or^tutkrn ..t carranduutconws nfcarc irema in terms of rdmnu to 'hot uwit ł.lmkal nut king twaditc

Haviig aAciI the rtgx\n%jmt« to rat. iV Ddj4ii ąwmiomnrifettems acamllng to thrir imjmruitce and f,|wnc’ "f u"“rr'"'' »I ■ “‘It**ń" t»-mnumprwte m R«m,l i. ih,    i>,

RO.UK1 »... .h. wr m WK . J.c.1 tr. M. U«u U.,cl uf Hncmmi .h.1 Ihr Uroni,«vd    the ..ucamorate did

actuailt fcpfr^ni tV cureelemefiUof ratnlngcare.


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