Comite Maritime International.

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Comments on the Ilague Rules, 1921

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Order no. II .M-3890/1

Comments on the proposed war with France, on the State of parties, and on the new act respecting aliens. London, 1793.

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Order no. ILM-2829/1

Communications with France and Spain, relating to the Spanish American Provinces. London, [1824].

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Compilation of certain dept. circulars... citizenship, registration of american citizens,issuance of passports,... Washington, 1919.

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Order no. ILM-3829/1

The Compleat Arbitratos: Or, The I.aw of Awards and Arbitraments;...

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Order no. ILM-4188/1

A complete Investigation of Mr. Kden’s Treaty,... London, 1787.

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Order no. ILM-799/1

Conant, C.A. The International I.aw of Bills and Chccks. Philadclphia, 1913.

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Order no. ILM-3382/1

Concha, J.V. Las ncgociacioncs diplomaticas dcl Canal de Panama.

Bogota, 1904.

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Order no. ILM-2330/1 t    . ,

Condition of American seamen at the Portof IIavana,... N.p., n.d.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-2864/1

Conestaggio, G.F. di. DcIl’unione ... Gcnoa, 1585.

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Confederazione Fascista dei I.avoratori delPIndustria. La rćpartition desmatieres prcmićrcs et des mandats intern. Roma, 1936.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3925/1

Conference de I.a Haye, 1910. Actcs.

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7 microfiche Order no. ILM-3958/1

Conference de La Ilaye 1912.

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7 microfiche Order no. ILM-3957/1

Conference Deuxieme pour PUnihcation du Droit en Matiere de Lettre de Change, de Billet a Ordre et de Cheque.-

Rapport... I.a Haye, n.d.

2 microfiche Order no. JLM-3978/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Brussels, 1909). Report on the American Dclcgatcs... N.p., n.d.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3955/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1905).

Procćs-Verbaux des Sćances ... 1905. Bruxelles, 1906.

5 microfiche Order no. ILM-3946/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1909).

Proces-Vcrbaux des Sćances... 1909. Bruxcllcs, 1909.

5 microfiche Order no. ILM-3944/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1910).

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5 microfiche Order no. ILM-3945/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1922). Documents et Procćs-Vcrbaux ... 1922. Bruxcllcs, 1922

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Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1923).

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3 microfiche Order no. ILM-3960/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1923). Tćxtcs Adoptćs. Ledcberg, 1924.

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Order no. ILM-3961/1

Conference Internationale de Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1926).

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Order no. ILM-3959/1

Conference Internationale du Droit Maritime (Bruxelles, 1922). Unification ... reglesen Matiere de connaissemcnts. Bruxcllcs, 1923.

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Order no. ILM-3977/1

Conference on International Relations.

Procecdings... hcld at Corncll University ... June 15-30, 1915. Boston, 1916.

5 microfiche Order no. II.M-3843/1

Conferences faictes a Turin ... 1663,... 1664. Turin, 1664.

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Order no. ILM-893/1

Congres de Vienne. Paris: Gcrdes, 1847. 144 pp.

Acte principal et traitćs additionnels.

2 microfiche Order no. II.M-4111/1

Congres Internationa] de Droit Commercial. Notes et obscrvations ... Napoli, 1888.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3901/1

Congres International de Droit Commercial. Programme des Travaux dc la dcuxićmc session ... Bruxellcs, 1888.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3906/1

Congres International de Droit Commercial (Anvers, 1885). Comptc rendu par C. Constant. Paris, 1886.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3905/1

Congres International de Droit Commercial (Anvers, 1885). Droit Maritime... Bruxelles, 1885.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3903/1

Congres International de Droit Commercial (Anvers, 1885). Droit Maritime - Lettre dc changc. BruxcllcsParis, 1886.

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Order no. ILM-3907/1

Congres International de Droit Commercial (Anvers, 1885). Rćsumć des Travauxct Resolutions ... Berlin, 1885.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-3904/1

Congres International de Droit Commercial (Bruxelles,1888). Actcs... Bruxclles, Paris, 1889.

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Order no. ILM-3902/1

Congres International... des femmes, tenu ... Septembre 1900 ... Paris, 1901.

5 microfiche Order no. ILM-1196/1


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