le Commandant de la marinę americain James Kraska: «In 1631, morę than 100 Protestant settlers were taken from Baltimore, Country Cork, Ireland. In the 1620s Moroccan pirates were hunting for slaves in the Thames estuary, only 30 miles from London»292.

Bień que les relations diplomatiques entre les Etats-Unis et le Maroc, pays d’embarquement des pirates Berberes, aient traversć des etapes difficiles aliant jusqu’aux menaces de recours a la force, a cette ćpoque c’est le Maroc qui a effraye les Etats-Unis de dćclencher une guerre293, pourtant, ces operations de piraterie se sont terminees par des accords d’amitie et de cooperation. Ainsi le Maroc fut la premiere nation au monde qui a reconnu Pindependance des Etats-Unis 294.

they captured the armed brig Betsey. Although the Sułtan did not enslave the captives, he demanded a ransom and a treaty of friendship with the United States. As a show of faith, he released the captives, ship, and cargo without payment of a ransom on 9 July 1785. The next summer, an American commissioner arrived and, within days, negotiated a treaty that ensured that American vessels could pass safely through the Strait of Gibraltar. To

was    to    Voir aussi Kraska

Supra notę: [S]oon after American independence, in Octobcr 1784, Moroccan raiders captured on the high sea an American merchant brig, taking the crew hostage. The 200-ton brig Betsey was sailing 100 miles offthe shores ofNorth Africa. The ship was interdicted by saber-carrying pirates dressed in turbans and pantaloons, taking the Americans to the slave markets of the independent monarchy of Morocco. Soon afterward, the U.S flagged ships Dauphin and Maria also were captured by Moroccan corsairs]. Aussi: [I]n the fali of 1784, Jefferson served as U.S. ambassador to France. In that post he had proposed that the United States and European nations form a counterpiracy coalition, but the govemments on the Continent were unsupportive of the idea and continued paying tribute to the Barbary kingdoms. Following the European State practice, the United States authorized a payment of 80,000to Morocco for the release of 11 prisoners. The crew of the Betsey was released, but Tangiers continued to hołd hostages ffom other captured U.S. ships].

292    James Kraska, Contemporary Maritime Piracy, International Law, Strategy, and Diplomacy at Sea, Santa Barbara, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2011 a la p21[D]uring the century from 1580 to 1680, it is estimated that 850,000 Christian slaves were taken from the shores of Europę and from European ships, and forcibly carried to North Africa by Barbary corsairs. In doing so, the Barbary pirates sent raiders far from home to find victims...] a la p21.

293    R. Ernest Dupuy and William H. Baumer, The Little Wars of the United States, New York, Hawthom Books, 1968, a la p 64.[S]oon after he arrived in the Mediterranean, Preble showed his mettle by confronting the Sułtan of Morocco, who was threatening war against the United States. Preble sailed into Tangier in early October 1803 with five ships and confronted the Sułtan. Instead of war, the Sułtan renewed his plcdge of friendship without the payment of tribute].

294Lambert (2005) Supra notę 287, a la p 51. [U]S relations with Morocco, which was the first nation to recognize the newly independent country, were fairly cordial].


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