BOSE, Asok, Dipt. de Physlque, Universlti de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Montrial, Quibec, H3C 3J7 BOSE, Tapan Kuaar, Dipt. de Physique, Universlti du Oufbec, Trols-Rlvlfcres, Quibec, G9A 5H7 (J)

BOSWELL, Frank C., Dept. of Phyalca, Univeralty of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C1 BOUCHARD, Noel G., 20 rue Poirler, Touralne, Quibec, J8V 1A6 BOUCHER, ChrIstlane, 23 des Erables, Hull, Quibec, J8Y 6K7 (S)

BOUCHER, Claude, Dipt. de Physique, Universiti de Montróal, C.P. 6128, Montreal, Quibec, H3C 3J7 BOULET, Llonel, Inst. de Recherches de 1'Hydro-Quibec, C.P. 1000, Varennes, Quibec, JOL 2P0

BOULTER, James F., National Defence Dept. Defence Res. Est. Valcartler, P.O. Box 880 Courcelette, Quibec, GOA 1R0 BOULTON, R.B., 37 Roudhay Drlve, Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 1B6

BOW, Y.P., Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 BOWDEN, Tloothy, 41 Poplar Plalns Cr., Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1E9

BOYD, Gary M., Educatlon Dept. Concordia Unlverslty, Montrćal, Quibec, H3G 1M8 (A)

BOYD, Russell J., Dept. of Chemlstry, Dalhousle Unlverslty, Hallfax, N.S., B3H 4J3 (J)

BOYER, Raymond, 181 rue Rćgnault, App. 75, Sept-Iles, Quibec, G4R 4T7

BRACKEN, Richard George, 4 Sqr., Royal Milltary College, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2W3 (S)

BRADFORD, Henry M., Can. Coast Guard College, Box 4500, Sydney, N.S., B1P 6L1 BRADLEY, Robert Paul, 920-57 Dynes Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 0H8

BRAND, John C.D., Dept. of Chemlstry, Universlty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 (J)

BRANDON, James K., Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1

BRANNEN, Erie, Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7

BRAUN, Harold S., Lakehead Unlverslty, 011ver Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5E1

BREBNER, John L., Dfpt. de Physlque, l'Unlverslt£ de Montrial, C.P. 6128, Montrćal, Qućbec, H3C 3J7

BRECKON, Sydney, 5 Winter Place, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1B 1J5

BREITMAN, Karen E., Manltoba Cancer Foundation, 700 Bannatyne Ave., Wlnnlpeg, Manltoba, R3E 0V9 BRENCIAGL1A, Glovannl, 1858 Pattlnson Cres. , Mlsslssauga, Ontario, L5J 1H7

BREWER, J.H., Physlcs Dept., Universlty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 (J)    DAMP,

BREWSTER, Peter, 17$ 0gllvle St., Dundas, Ontario, L9H 2S1

BRICKER, Larry Ralph, Dept. Co-Ordinatlon & placement Needles Hall,Unlv. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3G1 BRION, C.E., Dept. of Chemlstry, Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 (J)

BROBECK, William M., Brobeck & Associates, 1235-lOth Street, Berkeley, Ca. 94710, U.S.A.

BROCKHOUSE, Bertram N., Dept. of Physlcs, GSBX 453, McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1

BRODIE, Don E., Physlcs Dept., Unlverslty of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1

BR0MLEY, D. Allan, Physlcs Dept., Yale Unlverslty, 260 Whltney Ave., New Haven, CT. 06520, U.S.A.

BRONSKILL, Michael John, Ontario Cancer Instltute, 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1K9 BR0NSVELD, P., c/o Lab. Voor Physlsche Metaalkunde, Unlv. Complex Paddepoel, Gronlngen, Holland BR00KER, Hurray H., Dept. of Chemlstry, Memoriał Unlverslty of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld. A1C 5S7 (J)

BROOKS, William S.C., 276 Carleton Dr., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7H 4C1

BROUSSEAU, Nicole, Centre de Recherche de Shlrley's Bay, D.R.E.O., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0Z4 BROUWER, Wytze, Dept. of Physlcs, Unlverslty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2J1 BROWN, G.R., 25 Helena Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 3M7 (A)

BROWN, I.D., Physlcs Dept., McMaster Universlty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1 (J)

BROWN, Peter W.A., 57 Maln Street, Almonte, Ontario, K0A 1A0 BROWN, R.K., 571 Wayell Ave. , Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 3A6

BROWN, Terrence S., N.D.H.Q., 101 Colonel By Drlve, Ottawa, Ontario, DST(0V)-4, KIA 0K2 BROWN, William Ross, 17 Ettrlck Cr., Ottawa, Ontario, K2J 1E9 BRUCE, James D., 61 Warren Street, Lennoxvllle, Qućbec, JIM 1P3 (S)

BRUCE, Ronald, 33 First Avenue, Stittsvllle, Ontario, K0A 3G0 (S)

BRUNEL, Francols, 1340 Ralmbault, Ville St-Laurent, Qućbec, H4L 4R9

BRYMAN, Douglas Andrew, TRIUMF, Universlty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 BUAN, Lawrence P.,    49 Sulllvan Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 1VI

BUCK, Davld, 28 Oakridge Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 2T5 (S)

BUCKMASTER, H.A., Dept. of Physlcs, Unlversity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 BUDZIŃSKI, E.E., Box 938, R.R. #1, Cumberland, Ontario, K0A ISO

BUIJS, Hendrlcus (Henry) L. , C.R.A.M., Citć Universitalre, Qućbec, Qućbec, GIK 7P4 (J)

BUJA-BIJUNAS, Lily J., Tamdem Accelerator, General Sc. Bldg. Rm. 105, McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ont., L8S 4K1 BUNKER, P.R., Herzberg Inst. of Astrophysics, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6 BUNN, Frank E., 107 Fordwich Cres., Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 2T6

BURES, Jacques, Dćpt. de Gćnle Physique, Ecole Polytechnlque, C.P. 6079, Succ."A", Montrćal, Qućbec, H3C 3A7 BURGENER, John E., Technlcal Servlce Labs, 1301 Fewster Drlve, Mlsslssauga, Ontario, L4U 1A2 (J)

BURGER, Peter H. , 17325 Brunswick, Kirkland, Qućbec, H9J 1L2 BURGESS, Miles, 229 Barclay Road, Ottawa, Ontario, KIK 3C1 (A)

BURKĘ, Dennls G., Dept. Physlcs GSB 105, McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1 BURKHARDT, Helmut, 142 Balsam Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 3C1

BURNETT, Neal H., Physlcs Dlvlslon, N.R.C. , M23-A Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OSI BURROW, Anthony A., 7 Keats Place, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1E 3M8

BURT, James A., Physlcs Dept., York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downsvlew, Ontario, M3J 1P3 BURTON, Alan C., 243 Epsworth Avenue, London, Ontario, N6A 2M2

BUSCA, Glovannl L., Dćpt. Ginie Electrlque, Uniyersitć Laval, Qućbec, Qućbec, GIK 7P4

BUSSIERES, Normand, 107, des Frćnes O., Qućbec, Qućbec, GIL 1G4

BUTLER, Brlan, 46 Roosevelt Avenue, Mt. Pearl, Newfoundland, A1N 1Z8 (S)

BUXT0N, Robin A.H., CAE Electronics Ltd., P.O. Box 1800, St. Laurent, Montrćal, QuĆbec, H4L 4X4 BUYERS, William J.L., Atomie Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1J0
































CABANA, AldĆe, Dćpt. de Chlmle, Uniyersitć de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qućbec, J1K 2R1 (J)    DAMP

CABORET, Jacqueline, Instltut de recherche de 1'Hydro-Qućbec, 1800 Montće, Ste-Julle, Varennes, QuĆ., JOL 2P0 CAILLE, Alaln, Dćpt. de Physique, Uniyersitć de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qućbec, J1K 2R1    DCMP

CAMERON, Evan, 66 Ivy Crescent, P.O. Box 2, Ottawa, Ontario, KIM 1X6 (S)

CAMERON, J.M. Nuclear Research Center, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2N5    DNP

CAMERON, John A., Ceneral Sciences Bldg. Rm. 105, McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1    DNP

CAMERON, John R., Medlcal Physlcs, University Hospltals, Madison, WI 53706, U.S.A.    DMBP

CAMIRAND, Charles, 210 Routhler, Sherbrooke, Qućbec, J1J 2W2 (S)

CAMM, Davld M., Vortek Industries Ltd., 1820 Pandora Street, Vancouver B.C., V5L 1M5    DPP

CAMPBELL, Cary Dawn, 2300-7 Ave. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2N 0Z6 (S)    DMBP, DNP, CGU

CAMPBELL, E.M., Apt. 1115 - 77 University Cr., Wlnnlpeg, Manltoba, R3T 3N8 CAMPBELL, John Loudoun, Physlcs Department, Universlty of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIC 2W1

CANNON, George Harry, Science Educ. Dept., Faculty of Educatlon, Unlv. of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver B.C., V6T 1W5    DPE

CANTIN, Andrć, 29 Gabriel Lallemant, St-Ambrolse de la Jeune-Lorette, Loretteville, Qućbec, G2A 2W7 CANTIN, Jean-Maurlce, 383 Berthler, HO, St-Jean, Qućbec, J3A 1H9

CAPLAN, H.S., Physlcs Dept., Universlty of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N OWO    DNP


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