Sound is becoming increastngly important in establishing mood and ambience for residential and commercial environmenls. Through ongoing research, Bose explores the field of psycho-acoustics to leam morę about how sound affects emotions. The result of this research is an innovative linę of audio products that allow you to use sound in ways you never thought possible.
Wten you need to select a speaker system, Bose gives you a lot of options such as advanced speaker systems that are ideał for tbe latest audioAideo entertainment centres. Ceiling speaker systems that can be heard but not seen Emironmental speakers that withstand the elements - from a subzero ski slope to a 200°F sauna F.ven colour-cooniinating spe.ikers that can be used as design element
Our reputation for quality has madę Bose the speaker of choice for the Queen Elizabeth II,the Hollywood Pałace,the Royal .Albert Hall in London and AdelaideS Festival Theatre. llie list goes on.
Bose products have eanted an International reputation for quality and reliability over the past 22 yeais. And all Bose products have one common goal: making the emironment morę pleasing to the ear as well as tłte eye.
So next time you're looking for speikers look for Bose Regardless of the size.shape and colour you choose,\ve know you will be impressed
Fdr morę information.brochures and prices please contact:
Bose (Aust) Inc 11 Muriel Ave, Rydalmere, 2116. (02) 6841022 j
N SW. & VIC Bose (02) 6841022. QLD. Stereo Supplies (07) 2213623 |
TAS. Chessman Distrib. (003) 393353 SA Blackwood Sound (08) 2781281. VtA Prosound (09) 3251066. N.Z. Rangitoto (649) 2747860.
Better sound through research