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Th* Vegetable Crope Research Advleer would ba rcąulred for a period of three yeere. The VCRA would report direotly to the Dirac tor of the Irrlgeted Crope depertment through the VRO.
The VCRA will heve hed coneidereble experlence ln v*getobie produetlon and reeeoreh ln orid tropicol councrieo ond will poeeeee o poetgroduote ąuolifieotion.
INRAN (Znotltut Notionol de Reeherohe Agronomlque du Niger), Mlnlstry of Agrlculture, la reeponslble for the ploimlng ond implementotlon of notionol ogrioulturol reeeoreh. The liveotock sec tor contr lbutee slgnlfleontly to the ogrleulturol 6DP. Llyeetock ond erop produetlon Is becoalng inoreoelngly Inter •dependent ee preeeureo on the land lncreeee. The compoaltlon of the notionol hord hee elgnlficontly ehenged elnce 1960 ln fovor of o higher proportlon of smoli rualnonto ond casele. ZNRAN propoaeo to greotly etrengthen lte reeeoreh progroame with llveetock durlng the next flve yeere, focueelng portleulorly on the aonogeaent ond nutritlon of email ruslnente ond the better lntegretlon of llyeetock, for estry ond crope ln forming systeae. INRAN wleh to reerult intemotlonolly o Llyeetook Produetlon Reeeoreh Aduloer to eeelet thelr llyeetook reeeerch etoff with the development of en epproprlece reeeerch progres, Th# dutlee of the edvleer will prlnclpelly lnvolve the proyleion of on-the-Job trelning to relevant INRAN otaff.
The Llyeetook Produetlon Research Adwleer (LPRA) will be reeponalble te the Dlrector of the depertment of Llyeetock Produetlon ond Anlmol Health of INRAN. The LPRA will work olongelde the Llyeetock Research Coordlnator (LRC) ond will:
(o) oeelot the llyeetock reeeoreh group co drów up o ooherent themotlc reeeoreh progres for llyeetock produetlon, toklng lnto eccount the eurrent e truć turę of the Indus try, lte Inter-reletlonehlp with the crop eub-eector, poet nlgerlen and regionel reeeerch Information ond notionol polloy for the llyeetook eub-eector;
(b) partioipote ln the dleeueelone of the Noturol Resources Management -• -
reeeoreh group eo regordo tho plenning ond lmplemontotion of on opproprloto odoptlyo reeeoreh progromso;