14 T<tics*M<nh T.-#iFa*s id*\a Wday. lf/4
Solar, N sources to supply energy
I-OS Al. A MOS N M .llll-Jpse* dnvrtor ot Ibr fcnlrral Office of Knrvx> Itrkruicti and biMflopinrof pffillclrd »v noIjt i>nd nictrar JJuTg\ .\|HMrt> UlN Mippf> Ihc
•n.i)orily i»J ihc natKni'* 2k\'fiV;il nrttK by II*- >TJT
J;l>r. \lvin WcimU-tj: ad-dr»"^l Ibr drtcg.*i> l«» Ihc Kalional Topcal MitIiiii: i*n N\kU\» r l*rt€i'%s llcal Ap-MicuUoR»‘«f Ibr Ij* \fam««s ScktI If K" Uiliurałan Łthc luo «lay laiccting. ONmmu: l«vrOMT 5*vf i4lnf CłllKuS **! oaprft* |n Ibr lleld ot meno’ rocorcłi |Ji l dcAcTopnirtrf. ctjCK-Judctl •odar. .
: -M> Iniocłi p tlxal Ią : ow łr hfiaU h.i\v Id d< pfiul «»n aJl £ir łiirr^y re*>um*v UH. In (Jlć my km* nu. U U uf todtft go**il»lc ifuif our prtinan mpto for grner.itlon of Hcctrklly u1ll Iw nurteur ;iimI »dUr'«id\Vcłnicr«
UWnforrjc %3śd hccatrse ot hfs llati)r>. be u os. adtocatlnc
e&iohr narareh tato |u%t ••
Woman wins. -tnfie pencil
WIN KALLS - Ro Jlarpcr nSi the btuc pcrciJ uhen Ihc Twn Kalis Toast rr.ldrcss Oub
flihcr speakera were Dirlcne Bromwf and Juanlta PiakMon Oorh Jemen wa> idftfmiurcis John Scołt. of TYZ Mailon KMVT. spokc on miyrophonc lechnlqucs. Efiunorr Burkhart uun Ihc red p4Bc.J lor Ihc best Ial4e topfcs whjch uttc led hyJuan.ua Co* Mfugucrllc Hartley gavc the cdSration letson. General oSbualce was Margc Kramer aqd lndlvtdual cv.ilualor* *crv tlnla Blticnburg and lolle Jones Shlrlcy U u-asgrammarUio
Offered U.S. Sov’l Prinls
N>ml lUt««nił m« mi JftD priatt* .f ikr pwi-
A4« 33 li •rtnalb
■ mI iM* I* iIm* M««r% W iK# i4
lua irł»*vr».
U l937.»M#JUir««
U.u» 5 «bi
RmwIi id • pMp •/ • 4«w«
ęj • »-ł«nl«o Railmtl •tafrr *n ■Pf#rrl*«u#t ••
mr+'* •• »#1 |#*riR* ikei
fU# ik# r«MW • .rlt
N»M *«#»! IH-. k i.W
46w**s##'» drrl.U^ im
•Nr —#kT. mmi K-..
&• tkr ttek. I?ta. lata.
0»V. mnA 20łk
Cm |
ftalkf. «r MuU. V»n C^»-. k#«ta#. I lf—, C»«|«ln.
HiUM. Hf. ■Rit tar rrfftakrr
U fuli ftał •• prrfwiN
M • f#W taltaU ikr rr*fk .4 •#*H» tarriMir.
~ AkR.do.rd |« 1137
^l«f ■nkn..*R rrrn.
Wir# • i|iir.liT uf ihfM lor. iTtW roprrWortUta. •### Mtalf. tar mWr ok.rui.ri.
3 OH*l ikU rdlrriim >.f jrrłwi .w M.mł In • IrnukU. tao#rk«łij*#, tak### rr mo«n#*t oota*io«h#d
Mfłta •# rorr Wą. r|4#.rr.. ikr ft»»| r*U#f«U
r.pKrf* mmA on rrlil#* iWa ikr oukjm ftaoiirr
•*»H qta.tli) W <tno l ond rtaUr rrprodwriUo ł#r#r4lkl)
•Ir. Ikrr SAOO.OOO.OO +m im .akr flnrh r»f#o«rd pta. p#4mU# H*ł~ k
W 'lR»p.o*lkl# Ml r#p#«*<t.##
pfl.U Itak ta ikita M#Mi## r|.
Itak atal Ita# ikal «# pririt orr IhrroNt lirote. Or.rr łkr» kru, fiirtn rrlil. lk##r tattt I# na n**r# ••oUoklr. A inrf* nrrllnu on (kol rookro . loku.
•J AONllRkl# IN robił#
JTW rtafiłf rtaifWol 1137
kor# k##n ofproktal k;
Aaorrlro# App#tak##«* Am#.
M 17-00 #^k pfłw. M«ta. ikfta i Nit rolo# I l"t 14" fHoi. •## kiollf ••oUoMr |« |k# p.kk#
mi 111.13 for m rWImło. W
d-rtata.tak##k •#-
!•' HA Sirptor. UO. r-B. Ht. T^.
C.IK. fl3S4^ fmty CHAR. AlTZfD. r##iin#.i# w omk»o-
Ahi) pinu Wik rork «#1. Htat»#.
9L#f# Md ao.komcrirord OK
hnv« much U «i»u(d covl lin* UM Statek to UMr‘wilar emfp’ lor Ibe twlk od H»
" dectftral
\\Vlof*rrfi olsu outlintd fur tbe ddrieaks Ihc HBk of Inrtrpcndriior. * the frdtfll projccl to eUabNdi u iuition.il eorfX>‘ P*>łk*> and rnAUcr plan lor A**chp#nml of a o wnpk Ic ewrjęy %> >f c«n WcMicrit kikl Ihr pmjeet uciuld locludr dJla un Ihc naikm‘1 fnfufv dcmandk l«»r corrid*, futurę surfy wwm-s fulurc uovernment lik Irm-nllon and tnlrmaflonal energy fwet*
Speaklng on the naftnn** piana ter on energy pnlky. be nnlcd four polnt.% ulnch lic lett ktfcouiitlil:
I A morc liddllitrnt uv ol energy and reduclinn of Hu? annual ratę of grouth oI cnerio1 como -.ptvw Irutn tht' prrurtil 4 2 per cent a yeoc l«» 2 per ceni anniktll)
2. An Incrensc In Ihc paidOcł*wt of demcWłc oil and gat uitfMut uonccc^ciry tn-frlnaemcnlk on the ftatk*i"» cnrlronmeni
3. The cunducl c4 IndinlrlaJ proccAscs In o moce eflfcłent manner.
4. A shllt Irom cftrrg>‘ sources uhłch arc ki Ołort wpply- kuch o% od and natural gas-lo sources utikt) are In abundancc
Weinbcrg Md Ihe deiegaics Ihc iwiol of "Project In-dcpemlence,• l» k> fmurc that the United Sialei »HI not hu\*c lo conlcnd wBh ołl cm* lorpoes by fortran countrk-k tuch os occuned In 1773 Ile sald Ihe tóucprtnl for Hic pruject nBI be subcnUlcd lo Prwidcnt Geraid Kord by Noe.
I. The Wucprtnt will oulilne yarlous plaos nnd optlon» for crcaUon of a naiłonal encrio plan
(Cl New York Times Scrvice_ tor ytan to come. ev«n wtth_^ fflAMltY, Niger — Ah'dT*' cintfriuTnf fooć ht^YcsU.
lenslve International rdlcf effort Kas subtUnUilly endcd Ihc fominę In Niger, one of the countilei most trafJcaOy af-fllcted by list year*s
Oldic bal goodie
THIS half-cenlury-old aprteol t/ee one and one-haJf nules soothwest of Hagerman In* vartably produces whether sprtng oocoes early or tatę, rcsidmts say. A ‘ Ute bIoomer.•• K comes on well afler the last fmt in the spring Though the branchcs are as brtlUc as aged 2xis. IruJt of the bctanlca: Undmartt Is Julcy
US Suprerńe Coiirt opens 1974-75 term
rcrpjired lo Mrktly foOo%r a former Supremę Court oplnkm głytng ncw rlglatk to arrcsled crlmlnoł wnpectk The court b — ki fart and In thedry — sIM Hic .Vixon court bccausc Ihe finsr Nlxon-oppoinlcd Jurtk«J hod‘ltK*lr way tn Kl per cert ol Ihc cn*c* dcctdcd IoW >ror .ind nevcr lad a case uheu aft four voted together
Ak In pod ycark. Hic grv.it mnjorlly of Ihe dockrtcd C3NCS lnvotw Cvchiilc.il (prMkni of lolwr. toxrs. commuevc:»lłons and lraiis}K>rtalloct and eon* Ylctcd peruro - Inckiding atiout 2.<xxi prlsours ctalmtng crror^lnlhetrlrtiilk
(C) Newhouse NewsService
WASHINGTON - A Wolefitate-neary Supremę Court opens-lis 1174-IT7S term nc*t.wcck s( Ul hcitfy under the conslltutkmol Imprlnt of former Prcsfdent Richard M. hlKMI who lashtoned Ihe high court 4n hb own'legał Image.
Mony of Ihc mml eon* IroYcrsIol coscs on ihc Supremc Court dockrt this yenr tnvolve poltdcs ot the former prcskScnt 5uch as hb clalm (hal hc could Impound congretslona^ly opproprtntod furds. that he could ulrrtap In "natlonal imirMyM coscs ulthout court warrants and I hol poi lec khouftd nrt hc
presenłs "
f or giris who are toagh on panły hose
SAVE 50c on 2 Pairs ol 99c Styks S AVE 70c on 2 Pairs ol SL39 Styles
fwo Sryfes fo Chooso From: Roinforcod Ronty ond Too or Sheer Wo/sf fo Toe Sondolfoot 6 Foshłon Shodos
124 Moin Ave. N. _ Twln Falls
Niger children suffer malnutrition
Niger wl!l nocd help In feedlng ber populatlon of obout 4.3 mli: ton a?uUn overcomlng the tongterm effects of the drought.
caiaslrophic drought vth«t_ Many pcoplc: >it presumed
kpanoed the A/rtcaa contineni tó have cUod of ■Unratim or of ImmedlAtcJy beJow the Sahara ’Jlnesses fatal onJy because of Thłs year'8 raJr.y season. the hunger-wtAkened stale of now drawlng to on cnd. gfves the dcUms. Mortallty was hope for a oood hanreri. But Wghcsl amoog young chlWrcn.
who wBI alto suffer most Irom 'the' lońg-term c/lceti oT malruJŁrtOon. But In • rrpen where even the number of the llvlng b a farfrom-pfTCtie ’ sta Ust łc. U U impoasibfe to know how many (Ucd.
_ Both^Presldent^lSeynl Kountchr and the publlc hralth minister. Mousaa Sala. ud tn lniervlews thot tbey could not estlmate the number of dead They fsold that the In-
Jcrnstional raaeu# ellort ivetted the worst Ceftalnly the gjoomkst prediettom of last yrar. forecastlng mortal dorger lo mUilona ln the mity Sahara rrg>oo. pro>cd eg. cesilve.
—But-evcc fewir-mUdK have diod or aufferod grtevouriy tf rrlkf had anived faster And morr na tłom had hdped.
WO«K OA PLAY? frttf *
• OOMłHO oooot In I00«r't lAda
Big $25 cash refund on this Frigidaire L,nindry Pair. Soive big famlly washday probierni wlth thłs Frlpłdtifi Hoavy Duty washir and matchfng big
capaclty dryor. Wash 1 piece lo 18 Ibs. wfth Nor-mal and Gentte ogltatlon, wirm or cold rlnses, spłn* thal parr.per deticates or damp-dry cottons, even knłts. thanks to ałx cyclos łn-cludirg tho Frigidaire Kotu cycii wlth excfusivo wash actlon. The dryor hąndles up ' lo 18 Ib. loads Wlth o’ soltlng for knJts ard po/monent press. Hoips kiep faundry wrlnkles out ar>d cuts łronlng limo thanks to fKClush* Ftowfng Hoat and an automaiic coo.-down beforo tho ond of each cyclo.
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M«N« tatatr ke NN#W m i*ta mfmifki. OONOe# «Ł »ff#. Qn—
:>■ M ę ,0r.a» V >Q #ta*<»R«»- AA^. X ##>l *«o* ta ^ W (NU
We Have loaded our trackside warehouse to beat another -prico raise that took place Sept. 26th at the factory. Save a lot by actlng fast, while selec* tions are good! I