Marcin Saratnlk

Rtpon cn choracunaic...


UNAVEM 11/111 United Nations Angola Vcnlication Mission.” Polar*/, participation in this missions attaincd 14 obscrvcrs.

-    UNAMIR United Nations As&istancc Mission for Rwanda.” Polaaj send 5 obscrvcrs to assist in this mission.

MONUA - United Nations Obscrvcr Mission in Angola established by Security Council rcsolution 1118 (1997) of 30 Junc 1997.'* Polands p^. tidpation in this missions attaincd 5 obscrvers.

3) Middlc East Missions

-    UNIKOM United Nations lraq-Kuwait Observalion Mission.” Polaaj partiapated in this mission in total amount of 43 obscrvcrs.

Cotonou Pe»oe AjrctnicnL UNO.MIL was tbc Itru UniUd Nulioes pcacckecping min^, undertoken in cocperatioa witfa a peucckccpsng operation airoady set up by onother a-fciniTaticc.. The tniKtary component of UNOM1L was to monitor And vcnf> comptianoc Mi the ccAwfire, the embargo on dcfcvcry of irmi and mitilary cquipmcnt, es w dl as ^ cantocmcnt. disarmament and dcmobibzalioo of combatants, wbilc tbc cmlian cocnponcnt «ai to mci ode polhfca), humanitArian, and ciecior aJ personneł wtiich obscr>cd and vcrif*d the clcdioo proces*. from tbc rrgiatration of v©tera untd tbc voting itsclf.

u Whdc main Uu of UNAVEM I! was to vcrify the pfcased and total uithdravaJ d Co ban troops from Angola in accordancc with tbc tirncuble agreed bctwcca the tw© (io>m menu UNAVEM 111 mus csublisbed to Atsist the Govcmmcnt of Angola and tbc Uiń Nadonal para a Independenta* Total de Angola (UNITA) m rettonng peacc and acfcfcnsf naiional rccoocaliation oo tbc baśń of the Pcucc Acoords for Angola, rigncd on 31 May 1W1 tbe Lusaka Protocol ńgncd on 20 Novcmber 1991, and relevaot Security Council rcscJutiot* Amcog tbc main fcaturcs of UNAV£M III * mandate arc: to peov*dc good officcs taj media u on to tbc Angolan paruo; to monitor and vcnfy the cxtensjoo of Sute admmntntńi throughout the country arxl the proccss of nationai reconaliation; to superviie, control tal *<nfy the dacngagriDcnt of forces and to monitor the ccAsc-ftrc; to \crify Information rcom-oJ froo the Govcmmcnt and UNITA rcgarding their forces, aa wclJ as all troop mocmcou; U cocrdmatc. fadlilale and support huraaiutarian actjvitic* dirccUy ima od to ihc pcace proce* as wdl os partidpaling in mincckarance acińities; to dcclare forma!ly that all euentał rcquircmcnts for the holding ol tbc aecond round of presidentol dcctions havc bcen fulfilicd, and to support. vcrify and monitor tbc dcctoraJ proccss.

u lt ais cstabtiihod by Security Counal rctolution S72 (1993) of 5 Ortobcr 1993 to hrtr impicmcnt tbc Armha Peacc Agrcement signed b> the Rwandesc partia on 4 August 1991 UNAMIR’* raandatc was: to assist m ensuring the security of tbc capttal city of Kigik monitor tbc ccascfirc agrrancni. induding establishment of an e\paxxlcd dertulitars/cd tom and demobili/ation procedura; monitor tbc security totunlion dunng tbc finał period of tk transitiooal Govemmefit’s mandatc Icuding up to clectioos; auuńt mith minc-ckarance; vd assist m tbc coordmabcet of hununitarian assitfanee activitica in coojunction mtth rdtł cpcralions

** Ifs mandatc nas lo łhisI tbc Angolan partia in comolidating peacc and oaticcd rccoooliation, cnbanctng conridcncc building and creating an cmironmcnt oordudw to l«r term stabihty, donocratk darłopment and rchabiliution of tbc country. MONUA took o* from tbe United Nations Venfic4Uon Millkw in AngoU III (UNAVEM III)l

11 Mńskm ifcilb the strength cf 300 nulitary ohscnrn on 9 April wat ctUbbshcd ^7 Security Counal raolutioc 689 (1991) at an antw^cr to the Security Council retolulica 6^ (1991) by wtiich Counal csubhthcd, amoog other things, a dcmilitari/od /one (DMZ) the boundary betwreo Iraq and Kuwait. to bc raomtered b> a United Nations obsersef

. UN1IMOG - United Nalions lran-lraq Military Obscrvcr Group.” Po-1^’s sharc m this mission attaincd 45 obscrvcrs.

_ UNEF II - Sccond United Nations Emcrgcncy Forcc.1’ The Polish liospiial and clinics were rcsponsiblc for mcdical care. the logistical unit porified and supplied drinking water to all of the contingents, and engin-eering sub-detachments wcrc rcsponsiblc for minę clcarance. Participation of ■foe Republic of Poland in this mission between 1973 an 1979 attaincd U 699 sotdicrs.

4) Missions in Europę

. UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Forccs pcacc operation started in the bcginnmg of 1992, in Croatia and Form er Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.” Participation of The Republic of Poland - 3867 soldiers.

.. UNCRO - United Nations Conlldcncc Restoration Operation established oo 31 March 1995 to rcplacc UNPROFOR in Croatia.” Participation of polish arrned forces - 1064 soldiers.

ud reąucUol the Smetary-OeneraJ to whmit a plan for the unit'* immcdnlc iteplojiseM. The Cotindi (ave UNIKOM a mnrxlaa- to moaitot the DMZ and the Khawr' Abd AUah «4irrwa> bctwcen Iraq and Ku wart. lo deter yiolalicms of tbe boundary; and to obscrvc any bxtile acuon mounted from the temtory of ooc State againu tbc other.

- Mission was caubtisbcd to vcrify. coofirm and supervisc tbc ccssation of hostihtia and tbe wuhdraw-ai of aO forces to tbc intemaiionAll) recognircd boundarics wilbout dday wben in Atgui 1988, ofter almost aght yean of war, and followmg a period of mtcnsńc ncgotuticms bdwtcc thr Sccrrtary-General and the twti Forcign Mmrttm. tbc Islamk: Republic of Iran ud tbe Repubbe of lraq agreed to a suggestioe of tbc Socrctary-General. which combiocd tbc aming inło forcc of a ceasefirc and tbe beginning of dircct talks betwoen the two Fordgn Minirters under the auspioes of tbc Socrdary-General.

r Ktublisbed on 25 Oztober 1973 with the mandatc tu supcrv»c tbc mipiccncctabon of Srainty Counal rcsolution 340 (1973), wbich dcmandcd that an unmediate and compldc oaseTirc betwoen Hgyptian and Nr ach forces be obsened and that the parUc* return to tbe pootion* tbcy had occupicd at 1650 houn GMT on 22 Odober 1973.

14 lu łask was to «op tbc fighucg and to providc the conditiom for a pobtical seUlement of Ik eritis through ncgotJboas in Y'ogo4avia UNPROFOR’* maedate was to ewure that the tlrre “United Natioas Protcetod Arca*** (UNPAs) ic Croatia «ere dcmilitanzcd and that all penom rcsśding in łbem wcrc protoctcd from fear of arrned atudt In tbc ooursc of 1992, UNPROFOR’a ma oda te w» cnla/ged to mdudc mooitoring fuoaions in cer tam other area* of Croatia ("ptnk u.mc*”); lo erabie tbe Forcc to contro! tbc entry of cm lian* into the UNPAs and tre perform immigratioo and cuatona functiom at the UNPA borders at isumationaJ fronticrs; tnd to indu dc monitoring of ihc demibUn/ation of tbc Prevlaka PemsuU and (o ensure control cf the Pcruca dam. tlualcd « on of tbc ,‘pmk eona”. In addition. UNPROFOR moru te red •planectation of a ccasc-firc agrccocol ugnod b> the Croalśan Gcnrmmecl and k>aU Serb irtfconi*** ir. March 1994 fottowiag a flarc-up of fightmg in January and September 1993.

* The ncw mandatc ind ud od inter alia performing the funclions cnvńagcd in tbc crase^firc tpcemenu and itt implcmenuuon. faciliutmg implemcnution of all rcicvant Security Council "•dubom, assńtmg in controlling, by monitoring and rcportiag the crosamg of mthlary P^wcati. eąuipmcnt, suppbes and wcapoci. ovcr the intcmatx>nal borders betwcco Croaoa “d Bośnia and łler/egovina, and Croaua and the Federal Republic of YugosUvia (Serbia and Montrnegro) at tbc border crossmgs, monitoring tbc dctnihtariaauoo of the Prc\laka pcmnsula.


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