See Dr. Duke’s new web site at GreenPharmacy WARNI NG
Specific Queries of the Phytochemical Database
[Quenes mdicated tn green are newer quenes that search the most recent verston of the database.
Notę: These queries reąuire the use of port SOSO. Many firewalls are set to błock this port. if you have trouble accesstng these quenes check your ftrewall ] Plant Searehes
acthities in a paiticular plant. High ęoncentratipn ęhęmicals.
Chętnie ąl$ "l&one^frlty Łtiaiokotankalysgs
List Chemicals and acthities for a plant.
Chemical Searehes
Plants with a chosen Chemical.
Acthities of a chosen Chemical.
List acthities and plants for a Chemical. List common actmdes (synergies) for a Hst
Activitv Searehes