La Physique au Canada/7
1. The name of thls organlzatlon shall be "The Canadian Assoclatlon of Physicists/ Association Canadienne des Physiciens", herelnafter referred to as "The Assoc iation".
1. The objects of the Association shall be:
(a) to further the advance of the Science of Physics;
(b) to promote the use of physical discoveries in the interests of mankind;
(c) to promote knowledge in the physical Sciences and the dissemination of Information relating thereto in and between all sections and regions of Canada;
(d) to advance mutual understanding and co-operation between physicists on the one hand, and universities, research organizations, and industry, on the other.
1. The membership of the Association shall consist of:
(a) Members, who shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Assoclatlon.
(b) Affiliates, who shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Association except the right to vote and to hołd office, and who shall receive only such journals from the Association as may from time to time
be decided by Council. Affiliates may, however, vote for and hołd the office of Director of Affiliates.
(c) Students, who shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Association except the right to vote and to hołd office, and who shall receive only such journals as may be decided by Council. Students may, however, vote for and hołd the office of Student Director.
(d) Corporate Members, who shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Association. Any Corporation, firm, lnstltutlon, or lndlvldual interested in physics may apply for Corporate Membership and if elected by the Executive shall pay a minimum fee which shall be credited to the Educational Trust Fund.
2. The minimum requirements for admission as Member shall be either
(a) a degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or an equlvalent degree from a recognized university in Physics, Mathematics and Physics, Physics and Chemistry, Applied Physics, Physics
and Biology, Englneerlng Physics, Astrophysics, Physics and Geology, or an allied course; or
(b) the equivalent of four fuli years of experience in some field of physics of a naturę satisfactory to the Membership Committee.
3. An appllcant for membership may be admitted as an affiliate if either
(a) he does not fulfill the requirements for membership as given in Section 2 but does possess a degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or an equivalent degree or diploma from a recognized lnstltutlon;
(b) he holds professlonal membership in an assoclatlon acceptable for these purposes to the Membership Committee;
(c) he has such other qualifications as Council may from time to time decide.
4. The requirement for admission as a Student Member shall be either
(a) registration in a course in Physics, or allied course, approved by the Membership Committee, in a recognized university;
(b) employment in a laboratory, the naturę of which employment has been approved by the Membership Conmittee.
3. (a) Fees as determined from time to time by Council and approved by an Annual General Meeting shall be due and payable on January lst of each year.
(b) the membership year shall be from January lst to December 31st.
(c) a quorum of the Council shall be one third (1/3) and of the Executive a majority of their respective memberships as established by these by-laws.
6. On retirement a person who has been a fuli member in good standlng for 10 years or morę and who has attalned the age of 65 years may on request to the Executive continue as a member in good standlng by payment of one half the regular fees.
7. Council shall have the power to enter into an agreement with any other scientific or Professional organlzatlon to determlne a joint fee.
1. All applications for membership shall be submltted to the Executive Secretary as hereinafter provided for, on the form prescribed, stating the class of membership for which application is being madę.
2. All applications for membership shall be accompanied by the appropriate membership dues for the first year.
3. The Membership Committee shall, after an examinatlon of the qualifications of the candldate:
(a) admit the applicant to the claas of membership applled for,
(b) request the applicant to accept a different class,
(c) advise him of further admission requirements which must be met, according to the provlsions and standards of Article III.