16    Diagnostyka’ 4(48)/2008

KEKEZ, AMBROZIK, RADZISZEWSKI. Modeling of Cylinder Pressure in Compression Ignition Engine ...

pc, MPa

artificial intelligence methods. Doctoral dissertation (in Polish), Kielce, 2008.


Information on the authors is available on page 12.


pc, MPa

- 2000

340    350    360    370    380    390


Fig. 4. Relationship between cylinder pressure in diesel engine (working in extemal speed characleristic regiine and fueled by FAMĘ) and crankshaft angle. computed by the fuzzy system, fordifferent crankshaft speeds in tire rangę of: a) 180° - 540° CA, b) 340° - 390° CA


[1]    D. Kulczyński: Influence of vegetable fuels and its blends with diesel oil on parameters of work of compression ignition engine. Doctoral dissertation (in Polish). Kielce, 2007.

[2]    Cordon O.. Herrera F.. Hoffman F.. Magdalena L.: Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Evolutionary Tuning and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases (Advances in Fuzzy Systems -Applications and Theory, Vol. 19), World Scientific, Singapore 2001.

[3]    Cordon O.. Gomide F.. Herrera F., Hoffman F., Magdalena L.: Ten years of genetic fuzzy Systems: current framework and new trends. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.l41, 2004, str. 5-31.

[4]    M. Kekez: Modelling of work of compression ignition internal combustion engine with use of


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