Prom Intelligena© Officar, Nb. 307 (i li3h) S<ua<’ron, Colaby Omage.
To Hoadquortero, A.L.C.B. S. £ p H T.
(A) 19th Murch 1^44
(B) 307 (iolloh) Sąuadron.
(C) i\i03quito Mit. XII.
(£1) 11.46 houra
U) G 2666
(F) :fo cloudu nbove. Uiiibility fairly good (alight
(G) Categ->ry A (renr spr^r nno uileron of t>->e port win# domaged
D,y u bur Jt of cannon).
(h) Nil
(j ) On1 deritroyod - P.O. J. Brochooki (loliah)
Genem! Import.
Ona .v.o<squito of JO/ (ioliah) So.mdron took ofT from
COLóBY GfiAWG.i i.t «C .33 houra on tyth tfarch 1-744 to ti ort iii * Bulleeyc
t ::vjroivio an i land .ti b-.ok «,t 1:3. 13 hour.i. On tnkin# off on n Bulloeye ,
airam r’t woj orć - jvd : Traight 13*000 ft., orbit be*.eon ' M Jt on
orbit In# th. be< *n •jlror.ft w«a orderad to diacontinuo the ekśrci se, decr-m
hoight to 1-.0CG ft • nd to fly nlon# the v--ctor C30° to interoapt r bogey.
A fcw minuto a Inter, pilot i.ntorcepted an gircr» ft flytr# ftsat i 6t fce
Prom courae , pilot wp.s r,#n i.', ciimcted on oouroe 030 -.nd #ot t./o vi«rioua contacta but uoon lo A. their. duo ». » Windo*
t 11.41, nt hcL-ht ^.00C ft. «1rcrrft w»,jj given
■i course JA0° and got oontact to at'.rboard «t rango 4 milen. Tm r.jlrtion
to fighter, the turgwt .v*.j cro.jain# at rbonrd to port. Aircm.ft, turned onto the turget nad got viaual nt 400 y* rds aStern, the tnrgat r littlo «*boye,
li.l.ot clo.ńjd to 100 y. rd.j, slightly bolow tł o t«rg tr-cogni «.••<! r*idor
. sked it from tho anme póaitian wlth ono short hiirst. 1 '*.
wora oC-in on the b-liy of onomy nircrnft. Tł‘<. mi der div .d md turnod violońtly to port . lilot followed the enemy nncl attseked r.£,,‘’ in from rhove nt mnge of *:{)'.■ yard w with anotb^r bur..t r. long one. Hit j .r-.Tj aub.:oquently ueen on tho cockpit. T' c port eng-in > 4' enemy oirer«ft caught firo rmd th- r-.iaer dlved to port if out of contro] . lilot .bmryed oni.-ny
jircmft in firo fu ling v.-rt ic.1V/ down. (T‘ e R.O.C. po ot ot r'a.,m.r:s
porte aeeing a burning idrcrnft crauhing into the eóo rt 11.46 »ursj.
T o eneny uiroroft mcogniued clj-rlv ■ n -• H..-. ' 77 La oleimed • Aftor ot 1 ndod • t COLLBY
th-.t hi:j nirer* ft w u dr-.uriged by ruturn fire from the enemy nircr'ft *-s • r -suit of whioh Łis port wir»g * ot fchrougł . iron ft - ••
TneiiOa of enemy f.ircmft, It ahould be not-d th t pilot //aa lud verv w-;ll
. .1. Dr by .a-i tootc n<_- .ny rirer* ft l ir Pi . '''n fire f--n, -i.r • ' ft
the m.ider took very violent ev.aive -.ction but wna unublo to ahnko eff the fightur whioh follow d it nd•-•u hia tnok.
C-ąiłOuf lago. V<;ry dr.r.t (błock?-). No difference in colour betweon the
upł t cł ona tho underne th-oflo obaerv ri by the crew.
C Lno^Uii. .lot used.
A:ai:iuniti.on. 60 3hoels X 4 cnnone.
(continued ov«--r