Fig. 34. Kalvśria Hill. Tata. Section of shaft 2
/ - from thc South •// — in centrc; / mixed level of dcbris, abowc humus, bclow eakarcous; 2 - red argillaceous filling, sporadically arcnaccous, predominantly with smali pieces of flint; 3 — coarsc-grained debris of limcstone and flint; o — aptian grey limcstonc with Cnnolds; b — tithonian limestone with Ccphalopods; c — kimmcridgian red nodular argillaceous limestone; d — Oxfordian brecciated limcstonc; e — callovian-bathonian flint (chcrt); / — lowcr bathonian Ctinoldea;
g — Posidonia ;h — limestone
After J.Flildp
Open shafts with underground sidc workings arc a transitional category to the underground shafts. They are differentiated in exploitation units with a narrow shaft and ones with a widc shaft. Good examples of the first group are at the minę at Krasnoye Selo on the river Roś, and of the sccond group at the minę at Polany Kolonie.
Ce^rtain conditions at Krasnoye Selo caused an un-usua / y widc rangę of workings, much wider than on territories of other European mines. Dcpths of exploita-tion units at Krasnoye Selo were also diflerent. In some places workings which could be included as surface pits or open shafts occur there. Various types of shafts with underground exploitation constitute a separatc group. Open shafts with the elements of underground exploitation in the form of short gallerics, shallow niches and the like are a transitional category. The maximum depth of thc shafts at Krasnoye Selo usually did not exceed 5 m, and only in some regions of the minę, where the cap-rock of moraine formations and top soil was 1.5 m thick, did they reach as far as 6 m. The shafts* width was 1.5-1.6 m, and occasionally approx. 2m and morę (Fig. 35). Bigger dimensions could sometimes occur just under the surfacc in moraine formations. Then the shaft in that part had a funncl shaped section. Ali the shafts had a vertical section with a diameter less than 2 m (Fig. 36, and Gurina 1976, 41). It indicates that at least in this section they were sunk by one man. In some cases, in the preliminary phase of work as well as in thc niches and gallerics at the shaft bottom, two people could have worked together. Gallerics and exploitation fronts went in various directions to follow the flint nodules and the dip of their strata (Fig. 37). The height of exploitation fronts rarely exceeded 1.5 m, and the diameter of the galleries was around 60 cm. Exploitation fronts and niches always narrowed at the end, frequently to thc size of the flint layer found there.
Shafts No 2 from cutring I, No 20 from cutting III and No 124 from cutting IV are the examples of open shafts with single underground exploitation fronts in the minę at Krasnoye Selo. Shaft No 2 had an irregular outline with a diameter 2.2 m. The depth of the working was 2.8 m (Fig. 38). Walls of the shaft from thc north, north-east and east side were sunk straight down to