Underground shafts with niche workings are known at Krzemionki Opatowskie and Krasnoye Selo. The pre-scncc at the bottom of the shaft of high, wide niches which diminish in size the longcr they arc, i$ a charactc-ristic of this exploitation system. As the shafts of this kind from Krzemionki Opatowskie are known only from brief reports and schematic drawings (Fig. 47). we shall limit ourselves to deseribing shafts with niches from Krasnoye Selo. Shafts Nos 5, 9 and 127, all from the cutting IV are typical examples.
Shaft No 5 had the hole diameter 1.6-1.9 m and was 3.9 m decp (Fig. 48). The chalk in which it was sunk was very hard. In the north part, at the bottom there was a smali side working, cut into the wali to 60 cm and 50 cm high. In the south-west part of shaft, at a depth of 1 m,
Fig. 47. Krzemionki Opatowskie, near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. Schematic cross-section and plan of schaft with nichc workings
Aftcr T.Żurowski

Fig. 48. Krasnoye Selo, Volkovysk dist. Shaft No 5 from excava
tion IV
After N.N.Gurina
Fig. 49. Krasnoye Selo, Volkovysk dist. Shafts No 9, 10 and 127 from cxcavation IV
After N.N.Gurina
5 — Przegląd Archeologiczny, t. 28
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FLINT MINING OF CENTRAL HUROPE 37 tion as a result of connccting the workings of three ad-jacent shaFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 15 Fig. 13. Gorzów Wielkopolski-Chwalęcice. Kłodawka rivcr gap at morFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 17 as “chains” (Fig. 16). Very big nodules (approx. 40 cm) are vcry rFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 19 IV. REMARKS ON THE TER MS “MINĘ” AND “MINING” IN THE RESEARCH ONFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 21 Fig. 20. Gorodok, Rovnc dist. Visncvaya Góra sile / — Plan of thcFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 23 towards this view recently (1971, 120 f.; 1975, 162). As can be seFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 25 loam laycrs to sandstone. Quartzite was extruded from thc sandstonFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 27 Fig. 34. Kalvśria Hill. Tata. Section of shaft 2 / - from thc SoutFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 31 FLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 31 Fig. 43. TuSimicc, Chomutov distFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 7 meration in the earth crust could bc rccognizcd as a de-posit. In pFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 35 Fig. 51. Rijckholt—St.Geertruid, Maastricht dist. Schematic sccticFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 39 1973, 185 187) and obscrvations madę by S. Krukowski at KrzemionkiFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 41 rounded; the other one is transversely “cut”, for use as a hammerFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 49 Tablc 2. Radiocarbon dates from other areas of prehistorie flint mFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 51 sia, in Opava Silesia, and in north-wcst Moravia. Jasper exploitat53 FLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE Damon P.E., Łono A. 1962 Arizona Radiocarbon Dat es III, “RadiocarFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL F.UROPEof chief siliceous rocks, mincs and probable min es in Central EuropęFLINT MINING OF CENTRAL EUROPE 55 Rook E. 1963 Materiały z jaskini Bęblowskiej Dolnej, „MateriałyFUNT MINING OF CENTRAL EL ROPĘ 29 Fig. 38. Krasnoye Selo, Volkovysk dist. Shaft No 2 from excavationwięcej podobnych podstron