Fig. 51. Rijckholt—St.Geertruid, Maastricht dist. Schematic sccticn cf flint minę with narrow shaft
o — loess; b — sand with gravel; c — calca-reous rock with laycrs of flint nodules
Afler W.M.Feldcr ct alii
Fig. 52. Rijckholt— St.Geertruid, Maastricht dist. Gallcry
Aftcr P.J.FcIdcr and P.C.M.Rademakers
Fig. 53. Krzemionki Opatowskie. Shaft No 4. Fragment of cleaned stall. Scalę of rangę pole on right 20 cm; scalę in background 20 cm
Photo by J.Lech
connecting the workings of adjacent shafts. Stalls were the same height as galleries, or a little higher. Sometimes pillars were left in them.
Fig. 54. Krzemionki Opatowskie. Fntrance from shaft to gallcry — stall (?). In entrance original height of roof visible; in foreground, effects of weathering on roof aftcr abandonment of shaft. Scalę
20 cm
Shafts at Krzemionki have 3-10 m in diameter in their upper parts, which narrowed aftcr reaching the roof of the limestone rock. In the rock, at the bottom, their diameter was approx. 2.5-3 m x 3-3.5 m. The depth varied from approx. 4m to 10 m (Krukowski 1939, 13-24; T. Żurowski 1960, 269-271; 1962, 37-43). Shaft galleries were about 60 cm high (Fig. 54). Flint was exploitcd from the fioor of galleries and stalls (Fig. 55). Flint cxploitation from other levels was rarc at Krzemionki. In such cases it was caused by a fault or irregu-larity in the deposit. In the minę shafts Nos 2 and 3 the length of the galleries varied from 2 to 5 m. Also, stalls could have been up to 5 m in diameter. Larger and smaller stalls arc also known. Sometimes galleries of adjacent
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