won indiyidual as well as team yictories
The chcerlcaders of a schooi havc several Important dutics and functlons whlch they musi perform. First, it Is ihdr Job to lead the rest of the students in schooi splrli al both games and ralllcs. They inust also act as sort of ambassadors for the schooi, for they travel to many schools and corac In eontact wllh many people. As representalives of the student body. it Is
up to them to project a true image of IILR.
Tnder the dlrection of Miss Staudacher, the cheerleadcrs practiced two nlghts of every week. Scvcn girls constituted the varsity squad, whlle the freshmen-sophomore squad was com-posed of nlne girls. The girls cheered at football and basketball games, as well as pep assemblles.
Mrmhrr* of thr \ntsby ujuad. Hachciir Kuab, Dcii Murray. Terry Thoma*. and Sharon Tboll led Bulldog rootrrs in basketball chccrs.
Var*łtv cherrleadłng rnptałn, Pam Dresdai. cahlblled prcclsc otrcutlon of a football cham wllh vlgor and pcp.
VAHSITY CHKERLKADERS. FRONT ROW: (lo-Capialn Terry Ihomai, Cap lain Pani Drrsden. SECOND ROW: Sharon Tholl, Drb Murray BACK ROW:
Barb /rllcr. ('.uroi Smith. und Rochellr Kaab.
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