SUN U >R CI.ASS OKKICKKS: Smini ( la\* 1'rtnetpal Mr |ohnvut. IrruMirer Don Karl. Yirr-Prrskłcnl Kir bard Murr.iv. Sccrctury Marilou Mluauley, Alid l’rc»ldent (arrald Staniszewski.


Junc promiscd much lor llit* 27.5 girls and 243 boys In ihe ('lass ol 1968. A diploma mcanl U»c culmlnation of au intcgral |»«rl ol thclr livcs as the kcy (o ihc futurę was placrd m thclr hands. Seniora had many trcasurcd cx|>crłcncrs to look back upon, lor tlitry gavc as much to thr school as ihcy rcceivcd. Ncvcr to Ir* for go tlen wcrc a II those who bronght famr and honor to IILR by coinptiing witli other school.s in speech and debatę; Jon Parsons. John Smoliński, and llill Durni who maleli-ed wlis on "It s Academlc;* Toin (ialowiteh. Bob Somerville, Cene llnn/.iker. Jim Welsh, Hlck Mnrray. Mikę Tuma, Kon Deason, Pal Dlllon, and the rest ot llieir teammates who proved 1II.I< could and WOUL.D win; the 2łl seholars who were łniliat-ed into the National Honor Socłety at the end ol their junior year; the cxcitcmcnt shared by classmaies as Jerry Staniszewski, Kick Mnrray. Marilou Macauley, and Don Kaci were eletled senior class olTicers; the work and worry that were poured into each dance and the magie ol each tinforgeltable moment shared by those who participated. Ali lliese and many morę conibined to give the ('lass ol (>H a star-sludded backgronnd lhev could reinembcr and 1k* proud ol alway.s.

"Our greatest glory consists not in never

WAYNE \. AANKRt D 1)0 3.4 IJNDA I. ACłlTF.KIlOF IbmllnR I.2.3.4: Comrn Band I. (-AA 1.2. Olrls' (.'lub 2. Coldmuirr* 3; l’cp Club 1.4 GABRIELU-'. |). ADAMS Ho* Wow Hullrtln Stall 2: C\a%$ l'lay Makr t j* Comiullter 3; KI A 4. O AA 2. (arb' Choli 1.2; Coldin Yc.ir Stall I. I.itln Club lut PHYI.IJS J. ADAMS (.AA 1.2, Oirh ( luli 3. |>0 4. I*rrsi <lrnl 4. Spntlldt Club I. Suito Club 4; Student Aid 1.3

DAWNK C. ACKMA OAA 1.2. Cirt* Ciuli I. (.oldcu Yr.n Stall i, bum Club 2. Smio ( lub ł SANDY ALBF.RTINO Mmii. Club I KARKN K ALK KM A (arb Cimlr I. Ubrań Aid 12

Stello Club I


Club 3.4

DONALD ALM A Cap|MlU Choir 1.2. Basketball Mana R«t 2.3. KI A I; Coli 4. ł'cn Club 1.4; Student Aid I. I AC Club 4. \'ar>itv Albin u Club t JAMES H. ANDERSON

LINDA S. ANDERSON llowlln# 1.2. CAA 1.3. Clrb Club 1.2; Siudrm \ld I

MARY L ANSON Sieno Club 4. Student Ani I




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