shines like the moon by its life-like resemblance to his handsomc appearance. The tempie arises on a raised base in regular succession like the mountain ranges, in all magnificcnce, and vibrant wilh lite, both young and oldf filling it wilh noble deeds.

The 13th stanza has bccn translated by Sarkar as : 44With the merit that he acquired by building the tempie of Jina which is givcn the name bcautiful Venuvana (bamboo - forest), may he (the king) attain Sugatahood ten-fold (?)’*. The sacred complcx was namcd Vcnuvana, aft er the tlrsl śrama bcstowcd on the Buddha by Bimbisara. Buddha staycd herc whcn he first


visilcd Rajagrha and it was during this stay that Sariputra and Maudgalydyana joined the order. It was a very peaccful place. Various sutras wcre preached herc. The Princess must have given this name out of dccp piety and glorious hopcs. Shc says : whatcvcr merit I have acquired by conslrucling this glorious tempie of Jinas namcd Venuvana, thcreby may the world (jagat for daśad) attain Sugatapada (Buddhahood) which is extremely difficult to obtain, supcrmost, and bcyond pcrception. I have (maya) providcd fyuktam) for the monks (Tatsuta = Jinasuta) so that the world can attain tlabheya) Buddhahood immcdiatcly. The conslruction of the jinSlaya caitya and the tempie for statucs is punya-sambh&ra. It can be complcte only by the spread of knowlcdgc through the acadcmic activitics of monks in a monastcry. This is jńana - sambhara. Enlighlcnmcnt is possiblc only by the two sambh&ras. The Princess providcd both and she explicilly States that she had arranged the monastcry for Buddhist monks who could leach sentient bcings so th.it they attain Buddhahood fsaugatam padam) in the shortesl limę (turnam c\*al The Sanskrit portion ends wilh the \ihara bcing termed the aggregalion of the virtues of the Sugata (sugata - guna - ganah).

Thrcc important historical hypolheses have bccn dcri\cd form this inscription by Casparis:

Ghananatha = Indra (Casparis 1.139-140, Sarkar 1.74 n.19)

Samaratuńga = Samar§gravTra (Casparis 1. 187, Sarkar 1.74 n. 16)


Balapulradeva is the ‘younger* son of Samaratuńga (Casparis 1.133, Sarkar 1.74 n. 17)

As elucidatcd above, Ghananatha docs not refer to Indra, and no conclusions can be drawn, Bhubhrl is not ‘king’, but mountain. The struelure crcatcd by Casparis around Indra nccds to be changcd.

Sarkar says that King Samaratuńga “has somclimcs bccn identified wilh SamaragravTra, the son of the king of Yavabhumi referred to in the Nalanda


charter" (1.74 n. 16). In the Nalanda charter the Sailcndra King of Java is namcd Vrra-vairi-mathana, whosc son was Sainar2gravira who had a son named Balaputradcva front quecn Tara, the daughlcr of Yannaselu (not Dhannasetu).


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