St*rbian colrbration lasts Jbur dnvs; rituul bttscd on relimous tradilion



j Do.ly Spwoal


6 00 'k 00


l 25c DRAFTS


Jnnitf llnik *a4mi

Oma tu m don! «*u.>l!y celebr ate ■ faur-day fcast of Ihf nativitv at Christmaa Nor do thoy celebra te Christ mat on Jan 7 Hut (nr amihers of thr Sorbon Kastom Orthndon Church. ( hrtstmas a a feur da> affatr. starting Jan «

The Srrbian crlrhration of Chnstmaa. iw Bouc.ts celebrated as a roi tg mus limo. not ono of cumiKernalurd gida and


"tan l)rr n. S» Nieholaa Day. all Serłaan famibes aro to plant whrat seedsin walor Thmeaeed* continur to |nm unttl Chnstmaa day whon thoy aro rut and wed for a apocul hnliday brrad It a bel»evrd (hal drpending on wnether tho whrat a thich or mano. will »he tuck af that househokj run for thr fol Iow mg yrar." nplamod Para l>e)snovtcr». SIC senior m public rrłations and mnmbor of lho borbun bunt om unhoónt Owrch For tho work hefnr* Oimfmas. Srrtnan* musi faM This dors not mean ahsiention (roni all foods. but anły thuso whirh aro mado (mm an ani mai Ir. dmng tłu*. lho Serb* oat fish. grams and yegecabłes. foods urmLar to lhose that J^us Christ a to dunng His łasi days nn oarth On* work hoforo Chnstmaa. Serbia n* nust attrnd confosAion which i* a (.tcr-to-face meetir.g with thepnesl Cnr*rosołycdof wn each memhrr nf ho chorch thm rocoioos • -ommumon of broad and wino "t hi Jen A. Chnstmaa Eve. cal kod Uadnjak lian', straw is pis cod on tho Ikmr nrnraih lho tahto w horo tho lanii\ rata ti symbolur thr mangi-r At Ihi* dirmrr. a apocul Sorhun ira cs -.naród Al Mm.M’1. a tulę log J oak mhicb imsl havr leaees or. i is bumod Tho \ uk log is hło vrd b> tho priost and <> mhnlirrs tho oak (09 that Joseph used »o stad tho f.l* tu thr mangrr l.ighting thr vułr log ta hghung thr wa> lor Chrut for Serba Thoy bol*ov* Chnst ts thr tmr happinosa. and by bnngmg this Wig mło lhoir humos thry ar* lemtndod to lot Chrut a happinoss and kwe mto heir homo*. hrart> and soub. «pław.-d De >a norie h

The \ ilr log will bwra all aigM lorg aa do throo candles of bo«*waa. which ar* abo bł at sutKbwn The H».r» candba 1 * pi ejrnt lho tnraty of tho Kathor. Son. and Hol) Spint. an important concopt of lho Sorbian Kastom Orthnckw Church This rśtual n all m proparatran as a tigil for tho doming of thr Chnst Chiłd.'* Dejanoeich ud

"At da«n on ChnMmra mommg tho candiea aro estinguished with winr A 'Połamie', tsthr first porson ta vuut tho famrły on Chnst mas mormng Th» w hole day. it import a ot that y aur homo bo wpon to cii v istiors The Paiatoir repreaents tho shrpherds whe woro tho lirsł to visit lho Chnst Child Ho wrshet m Srrtaan. ‘C.ods nrhost blrssings for i ho lamtly.' thon ho atirs thr rrmains of thr Yule log with a branch frnm thr firr Thr moro sparka that como fmm tho firo thr letter thr fretune will bo for that lamily. I* jamntch aaid

Aftrc fading all wook. Chnstmaa i* a («••■« tijr of tho birtb of Christ Tho frrst (• od of lho day. though. ts a cery simplo cnrnmoal cal.od "Cictsara" V;«iting lamily and fnmda continuom throughout lho day

ln>(t*dd of tho grooting. "MrtTy Chnstmaa . Serbians «ay "Hnstns sr mdi." ur ■ Chrut is horn." and rrspond Indred Ho » horo ” A kisa ■» rst hangrd to rspross Chnst s lovo Tho only rsrhango o# gifts u thmr of food and drink

A mist pig ta traditional for thr f oo*. moal Brrao - ..h a go Id cum m it cailed "(ho.«nica    which is

prepared Chnstiuis mommg. » a Ino oalon Tho md;vidual w ho gna lho go Id oisn m his prreo of broad is aupptwod to ha \ o mtra good luck that yoar

Thoro »s only ono Serhitn Chnstmaa carol    This is

•*Kordjsotvo" or traaslalrd Thy Nalmty. Oh lx>rd "

Jan U a cal (od "Ro/th Pan." a da) drebcatod wholiy to thr honor i*f Mary. tho m ot hor of Jom» Chrut It rominds partaK»onrrs that womoti piay a stoadfast. impnrtant rolo m tho Chnauan C hurch. accordmg to Jiorhuin bełiefs.

Thoy bohosr bofor* Chnst was crucified it was tho w om on w ho accompantod Him 10 t.auary Hill II was to a w oman that Christ first appoarod whon ho was rosurroctod


Tho Ust dey o# tho four day fowsl of tho iwtnrity b Jan. • and u abo celebrated by alionding church ll n in honor of St Stev*n tho firal Chnstwn martyr

Tho church sernice ot tho Sorbian Fastom Drthodos Church ha a novor rrelly rhangrd It u about Iwo hours łong and rocitrd in tho Sorbtan tongur K oceniły a httłr Kngltsh ha a hem l*anaUti»d. Tho pariahtonors stand łhrnjgh ahnmt tho whoto arrvicr,

Tho iraditMm of tho church tomce and thr othor tradilions aro qhat havo hołd tho Sorbian Kastom Orthodos Church togothor Tho Sorbtan Kastom Orth<*fo* Church brake away fmm tho Cathofic Church whon tho first P.ipo was ckctod Thoy did no bonovo that ono man coutd spot* aa <»od s mossongrr In IS*2. tho tirof orian caiondar was prrsontod to thr modom worki to correct and r*i4a<* lho Julian caiondar Kocauso tho Julian caiondar was usod in Chr st s Ufctimo and thr (irogorian calon lar was prosontod by a Pope. ih*> Knstom Orthodm Churt hrs nocor adnptod lho Crogfirian caiondar. whilo mont of lho modrm w-rld did Thrs accismts fnr thr diffrronro in lho dato* of celebra! ior nf ('hrism^as and nłher hnlidsys

It was traditmn that hr!d tho Sorbs logothor whilo ur.drr tho supprrsainn of lho Turka for *«• years Thoso pisipk* may ha\r U«t thotr country, whnh is rem part ot prosont day \ ugrała-ia hut by no rnrans did thoy ko rhotr hrntake .\«« Pojamnich %aid. Im i ul n... lamily colidiratos m ttw- ..Id .wrhian Iraditiun. it brings us ckm and aftor all tho rommerriałizati.wi 1 soo around me. u rrakos me Mili rralizo thr trur mi^ning ot chriNtmas '*


NEW YORK Al*'-ot thr .02 studenta entonng Yoshua l mvonuty's Benjamin N Cardom Schook of Kaw i; porcont aro wnmon. roporU Monr^d (i Paubon drań and vicr presidon. for legał eduration

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midnight <xi witn

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Do.ly Egypt*on. Owcwmbwr 7. 1978. Poy I)


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