American ChrHunat łhopęlnf acewe* tike thts are aot ankaewa rlsewfcrre.

All-out Yuie celebration not exclusively American

Hwid Gafrtck Staff Wrlter

When mo*t American* think uf Chnstmas. thry ihink of eifts. p-ne trees. wm.cołotful lights. (cod and. of course. .Santa Claus Many foreign studeots sharc many of the same views o( Oma im as as Amercans.

Evcn the*** coun'ne* which have no format reicgdition ot Christmas ■'•cogniie thts U me of year as an oppurlunity to spread g -nd-will among its peoples.

"When we celebra te Christmas. we do it thoroughly." Albert Karlsson saya. Karlsson w a nad ve of I cel and. a -rountry that has many of the same Chnstmas customs as America

"Wecelebrate Chnstmas on the 24th.‘* Karlsson explaineo "AU the houses are d-corated We str>v chama of lights around the Windows. Hne trees grow m my back yard. so all! hav* !*. do rs go out there and chop one down ’*

Karlsson streased that rehgion plays the most imporlant role m his country * concept of Otnslmas.

The cHebration l»egms with a • p m. mass. Karlsson aaid Christmaa ts one of the few braes the fc*hurch was fuli. Kołlowing the sen ice. there ts a big T^ai After the mcal is the eachanging o gifls and the rvadmg of Chnstma, ctrds.

Everyone gets together. much like American families do during Thanksgjving." Kc.risson said. "There would be no (T /istinas tf we chdnt bring all our familie* together."

Karlsson'* home of Akureyri. about kil om eter* north of the Capital of Keykjarik. has five locattons where bon fi r es bufnand peoole come together to sing song* and to (tance People also visit home* and amuse the children with song* and lale*

‘Whal it all come* down to is enjoyment." Karlsson. an English (coni-nu«d o« n*»l pocja)

Cif ts for Her and Him


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