Farmer New York designer la teaeh eourse ne.\t semester

*> Ja* W alf S!«4rM Hrłlff

Stwir* and faatoon enłhusiasts »ill have a chance lo **udy drcss dr-ijcnin* with a frcmre Nr* York 1' Uoa designer > as >pnng

Trma <von nmi Zitter. wife of an tI physics nrofcssor. will trach a tunie. tnird. "Creatiire Dres* l)rs.cn and Applied Art."

The eourse *iU cwer such topics as (ashwn throughnut htstory. basie dres* shaprs and combuiatłons. patlernmsking and desiimng ' instant*’ drrssra. as weTl as decorative effecta such as embroidery. appltque. and folk motifs

Zmrr a creditrd with design mg rhe first ''instant-’ or ”wrap‘ drrsa— the idra of cr-eating srvfral diffrrmt fashions from a single length of faboc by wrapping or drsping

A* a fashioo designer ui Nr* York. Zitłaa s rlodMS apneared an thr pages of W omen ■ W«*r Daily. Harprr t Bszaar and Madmwa^Ue Her design* have hem bought snd sold by SimpUcity Panem*. Bobht Brookś. Saks Fifth Avmue. Macy’s and many othrr manufacturrrs

Shr onrr destgned a dress tor Pot Ni»en. shr said

Shr Nas Ircturrd at srhonls and umver*’tic«. Hub meetings and cmvmt»«ts. and bas apprarrd on tHevmor show* tueh as ‘The Mika Douglas Show.” dtaruMing fashion and shew mg oomm bo* to dr* nr •orne of het instant fashions tor themsrł/es.

Zitter was bom In 1933 ta Turtere, Hungarv. to • *allpaper<ie»ign»ng fathrr and a businrsswomaa mofhrr Shr had a comfwtabłe chiktMod uh ul. at agr 13. she and hrr mothrr wrre ptaerd m i concentralioo camp. she eiplamed.

At thał timr. onr of thrir fe* possessions was a tab*ecloOt

”1 frłt ar rf ! had to have somrthmg prrtty, to make mr frrł likr a humin bemg ! put U around meandwomtasadrra*. " she said “And thr instant drrsa was borr "

Aftrr thr war. shr studird drsigning snd seting at thr t‘iu«ersity o( Budaprst and briefły was wnt thr Hunganan National Theatre

In iKd shr and hrr mothrr flrd rrvolution ridden Hungary as refugees. and landrd m New York

Shr knew octy four word* of F.ngltsh—"hrUo.” Boss.” 'banda up' and "shut tg> “

Shr kamrd Knglish In mght arhoot. studird at thr Fashioo tnsmute of Trrtłnołogy. and with hrr mothrr. opmrd Ikra Crrattom hi tłw Nrw York garmmt distnet Thr business was surersafui and tory sold to many wrll-knewn storn Thm onr dar a CTsrrsr actor tntroduced Teresa to Raoert Zitter, and that was thr md of hrr work at IW*j She .Tiamed him and thry irmtualły n*ovrd ta Carboooeie Person* mirrrstrd m thr •.■oursr can caH Zitter at &*-lioa for morr Information


MADISON. Wis iAP'-TKe Klrrhjrm Museum of Art has schedo led a Norwrgian eOufcilwn featurmg *ppł>rd arts. fotk arts and

Cuntings from J C Dahl (o Edrard Mdi. wi..i Bflobjects on łoan f r**n (Kio s National Ga Ikry. Musrum of Applied Arts and Norsk Folkrmusrum

Thr eshibition o srheduled to run from Nov S until nr*t Jan 7

Immunisutioii ratę up, county strires for morę

K\ Mrlodt* Rfdlfirt Mjff Hntrr

« arhondale rewident* ran pal them*elvep on ehe hack and comider rheir fjmilw^ *efl pmereted aieain^r thr M*\m major ihiWhood dis uu Młchrk J.irkmk publK hralth eduiatnr fur Jackson Count\

V% *ih help fmm the    Wa!

sns and lurents. *r tu\e •*»amrd ar. immunimimn •»! '\rf »a* p^fo*ni comparrd uMfatruulr a\rraitr «*| prrc^l si:«) .*•.#<• kmk    If i> mrr to srr

•.•ufir • t^iprraYr ^nd ha\r xinh a iV ! Filrc!

Thr lihnm^ idficr rrf Kduration studifM in kindrr*arm firw mSt and fifth and mnih 0 rmdrm musi hm*r phyicsl r\jminat>on« and immumurim tf •hr. want |o affrod yctuwM Thr larhondalo hlrmmfar> M-hi^ol Niard rduration *<fc{>tfd a ^honl ende thal %my% studpnti arr rr^uirrd to hav* etammatJor)% ar>u •mmunizibom and ma\ not rrmain :0 vhooł mithmjt thrm MrPonald s Kestauranls ha>e horn matruft.ontal m jtetting Jackson < nuniy rhildrm to obCam •rrmuniMhors h> uflmn* roupnm fc* irrr bambur^m and frmeb fn*.\ for th<M mho d»d

jfovrrnmrnt5i to %(fp up pm*raim m k*'al arra^    aorh a« fhpw^

aro mi rrasinie at an alarmin* ratę said Jai-kmk. “and there is no rraw«i for it Peopie JUM don I IrH it % a threaf ansmure hal it is

Kc h*tif to maintain a roi tmoed Hfnrt >»ar aftrr \ear until rht-se diseases -re rradirafed a^ aas thr ca^e *tth smjJlpi>^ v»hnb bas hrtt es>mtiail> eliminated thrfwith a miwtd^ide % ani na lion e(fori ! md thatda> Ht-mustt.^nnur foget cmjr rhihłren immuniffd

Jacknik *a.d r erynr.e shnuld fef *. tetanu*    ^łer r\er> lo \«in

rntardle*> u ihe> ha\e had an> •rtidrfiUor nttl Thrt »i* >nur«n avutd tfain0 thrwdi ihit •hi*n an •COdenf »hrrr a fefanus hot is nmlrd reall> orcur

Jackann rnuntj Health Department nffon immuruzalkona free of charae to in\ rounty rewident Thne ca i be o'j(ained m Tarbondale on Tre^davs from 2toCpm at bil K ( clarge Sl Słuitt are *iven at the Murphv\hnro off»ce fmm I to 3 39 p ni onVkedne%dayftand9to)2 noon on Sundayu

2 ” Ne Bolid the Sotter Plru 4 Dillerent Wayi”

Jacknik said parem* reasens for rw»i «rf ring their childrm imm mired ranged from metr ignorarrr to ^■rsonal nrgleet “If* not hrrausr •H*-> rhmk it s a had iós* u 5 ju»that ihrs dur I do it for v«nous rra.uus

Parmts loó*\ lavr forgotten abuul rpidrmics, thr kind wtuch »rre 50 prr>almt 2D lo JO v»in .ibo “ said Jacknik "J'jst bresuse thrsr disrasrs are not ir ihe puhłic s i*>e now dors not mo .n thr> car t «<imr Inek "

Thr sr\m v-hilclhor.d disrasrs fnr »h*rh a »a cci nr u aiLahir arr n»ra>lrs. polio rubrL’a german nie;*sJrs*. irumps, diptheria. *h«rfipir>g coogh ccai t»'*n •

In hM thrrr *rrr 4*,.0R3 rrportrd casr.* of mra.s>rs and 421 draths A decadr la ter m ^74. thr numbrr of rrportrd rises ('rerrasrd signih-cantly 'o U..&H with 20 draths v\ithr. iwo yrars. in I97&. that nu m hrr has almoet doubled lo

II I * rhr m;ml»r nt n(M K ix ptt tec to jump a not hrr 20 U00 thts


Becauie of this thr frdrral gmemmmt • encouragmg sute

Holiday Dazzle.

Gpf it at

Eileen 3 G iys & Gals

CaH or Dmo by

2 s ni





























Tonight...............Coalkitchen    j

Thurs. Dec. 14...........Slink Rand    j

Thurs. Dec. 21...............Skater    j

Thurs. Dec. 28..................Effic    j

Fri. & Sat. Dec. 29<3Q.....Appaloosa    j


Ali Shows 8:30 p.m. — $2 per person    j

Great people, Greał drinks, Great atmosphere |

all at the TROUBADOR    j

Located next toMr. Cs Disco, on Rt. 37 South in West Fronkfort    j


*    ? Dii'i| fgyp'io^ C tmbec I. 1978


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