1989-90 GokUn Yaar Staff. Tront A>. Wm<U

W.»j Sacond Row    *fr* ł!*.ni -H Ardf ny

i^iwn Bfanlui < oSi.:ft» Ma*«ft*ri M Mab**i, Co Santo* Album toarwnr hntki Co :'*•**» So|^ H* A«t* Mrtnr Słunm Go*.Club. Ediinr Tn viGunmlti C Atomu/Snntor

K    nway Cantar. Knaalmg A' p « * Stand*

Ing f* i» ‘ * afwy i < jm« uluir An « K*t*r* Fu I-ittW* ton Ima 7h**łmim Ojfjy fctif* «v*f ( VjnpuH*r Whtf Iinv^ k** l**w* fcj»Kn**iw Sbtm hiKiUtłi L*ni«?y

!«rflikiiia C MulFvra SfcaJafti l.ifn Amy W.wjt**« Prr»hi.i>on ł4tvv»pn Kwn VaL* h *rr| Edtta ip < 7uH    SiiIIump

S\.* Pi* lumi F! firnir.ii** Stani

Senior summanes nwJ lo be aorled and checked by siali members Sophie Kious-sis. Karmi Conway and Shern Rincjben?

They cali lum Mr. IBM* Jim Dudlic**k was Ihe answer man lor all Ihe program qu«s lions siali membors had aboul Ihe new word Processing package



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