I**** n»»». T\.mfa;v, irtinn WiJnc^yJixii 10. loao.

0 Gardening

Now is the time for all good gardeners to plant perennials

Now i«< nn cKCfllrtll liiiw to pliiiU jK-rcnniul (l^m Nurwracn nommlly hu w thcir

brst w-lifiion of pen-fyaal Rower planu duricig lale April and rurly May. Many pcri-mnaU cm also In* plantcd from sccd cithcr in*:dc ur tli-rrctly wtibiifc.

Fcnnnijl Rower* da n:»l h<tvc lei he rrplunti-d rVf*ry >var Ik-c.iux* they livc Utnmgh the winti-r Surprismgly. therr aro mam (Mfriini.il Rower* which surmę rven the ro!de.'l Winter* m tło- Inltnmnintain aren Thir-t ty or -10 kwds are oflrn uwiitoble ai some uf tłu- larger mimrics.

Pefennial Rower.* nrc nul nspipti-





Inr a* nnnual* bccause most do not hnt«* as king u blnonimg period. Ilow* evi-r. ił wre are a scwrid which wiłl łiltMin iilmibl as lumr. if iaK quite os jinifuM-Iy, as unnuab. Oliwi* hlunm iifthr spring, łom; lo-forc annual< >iurt t« Rower Withcarcful plan-ning. an aU-pcrennial Ruwrr border ran be plnntcri. which will bo colorful from early spring: unttl lale Tal!.

Soirn- of tłu* most speetneuhr perennials aro lhosc which Rower early in the spring when tłterc is lit-tle co'or cxupt spnng bulbs and shrubs Sorr.c of cny fovonlcs irteludc Uuskil of Gold Aly^um (br.łlinnt ycllow*, Ruck (*rv-*fpink and lnveo-der), Cundytufl 'wbito. Cushion Spurge or Kuph.irbia (ycllow), and Mus* |*hlox tlavendrr. pink nnd whitc). Łupinę i* a u ry aUrncticc łatę spring bloonu-r which cxlcnds mto early sumincf.

Sanie of :nv fneuritc porcnnusls are tIws-i- which huve:i hmg blounnng sonson. exlendim: for Iwo monlhs or longcr.

Baby a Breath or Gypsophiln ha* hundreds of tiny whitc flowers frnm early to late sum mer which arc rxcc!-lent fillcrs fur buuąucta both fresh and dried. Colurr.bmc comrs in a fuli rango of colon It bloom* hearily m lale *pring or early sumroer und cna-tinuc-s w ith a acalU-ring of Rower* through the summer.

Purple ConoRower dota not start blooming until July. but then conłin-ues until frost. Glonowa Danie* como m the same ornngc. ycllow and bronry-red colom os marigo'd* They hloom likc nnnuałs with a mass of color from early surr.mcr to frwl.

SłtnsUt Daisic* have whitc Rouen from early sucnmer to frost. Tł.cir htavif.<t bloom is in early to mid-.•*ummcr.

TVo of my favuntc long blocming pm-nnial Dianthus are Princcss and Tełstar. Engerun Daisy, also callcd Sumiacr Aster, łias lavcndcr or pink flowers from early sum mer until fuli Gaillardia hns łiright red nud ycllow dmsy Rowera throughout the sum-mer.

Percnnial Gtmniums (lnver.dcr Muc to pink flower.4> arc available ar.d will bfoum frum early to late sum mer. Engłish l.avcndcr ts an herb which flnwers mo^t of the summer.

Therc arc scvcral vancttw of Cnm-

Eanula er BellRowcr with a long looming season.

One of my fnvontc pcrenniułs is Veromca. Bluc. purple nnd pmk fiow-ered Yorietics are available. They produce Rower spikes from mid-sum-mer to fali.

I have a dcucriptive Ust of perenni-al nnd annual flowers which grow well in the intermountain orea. U in-dudes heighta nnd blooroing periods for perennials. If you would likc a copy. sond SI nnd a sclf ttddressed envelopc with two stamps to Allen Wlson. HO. Box 313. Rexburg. Idaho 83-MO. Ask for Rower list "

Kitchenware products multiply Create your own indoor garden

\egeiahle-fruil pan*, dour s}u-lvts that hołd galion Container*. 3-liter -amce the concwpl waa inlruduccd by.u_units were rreated with an automat>c Imtlles and six-packs

By the I tu Angeles Ti cno

When a ncw pr^lucl pnnv* u suc-cess. then- fi»llow>. alim^t ineritably. n vonnticn on that product from the same or nnothcr manuf»ctun*r. lakę * Hequels to hit morits. thesr ful!nw-up produetN prove tiul tried-nnd-true idens c»m Ijo the licst.

The Caft*Hre»Mi «$20O» i% an inntt-vnti\c prodiKl from Krups thm rcally took ofT ft> soon ** it wn^ un\Tili-d sn the market pinu* la*t jrar. Con-sumers boughl the machino nu ju%l for its black mulic fmish hut nuiinly for ils vcfsa:ility. What i?* new this ycar is the nddition of whitc Cafe* Frcsso>. iUtkough theru uppear^ to be a ftirong demnnd nnd promi-ing futurę fiir bfnek kitchen nppfiances. outsclling whitc in many cases. Krups gamblcd on n whitc unit to plcnse people who gn fur a prisliltc. nłl-white look in kitchen^.

•    The kry tdling point of CnfcPrcsso is iL* dual funaion Compact lonking. the appliar.ee fcaturrs a powrrful four-eup csprcssa-ciippuccmo machinę nnd an eight-eup drip cofTee mnker. Asidt1 from betng imcotnpli-catcd. the CafeFroso ofTcr> speed Its fast steam nction froths milk for cappuccino in a matter of >econds.

Anothcr bandy featurc. also nvail-ablc on Krups* other coflfee makers, is Stop 'N Scrvc. honeenrd ł>y Krups. this design makes it po<Mł>le for the browing cydc to stop when the carafe is rcmoecd as for a qoick one- nr two-cup sening. The brewing resumes jautomotkally when the carafe i* rc-plnccd.

•    The idea of holding heat in u hreyred pot of colTce łui^ hevn nchievcd in the inwntion of an insu-bied carafe in n coffec system. Kver

Kuriipeun company a frw yearo ago. other manufacturi-rs liave folluwtsl. hitping to adticw the sanie >ucce.%<.

Igist year Black & Decker rckasi-d its fuH-si/e Thermal ('nrafc Drip (*of* lit Sbto i$*iH9di an Kun»-styling with a white ha>e and smokrd black water resenuir C«fTiv n lirewcd di* rectly intu an all white vocmim-bot* tle thermnl carafe. When tighlly cov* ertd with its lid. the insulated carafe keeps the roflee Iwt and frrsh far hotirs cvcn though the machinę ;s shut ołT The plnstic carafe i> totahle und cnn be placrd -directly nnto a M-mng tubie immetbately arter beat* iug without dnmaging the surfoce. An .lutomauc drip faJturc ictcnupia. coffec fknv when the pul is remow i

A simtlarły styled upgnidcd \»-r->icn is equipped with an analog dock-timer f$7a.!Wi. It car. be set thr night hefurr and programmed to brew itnylime within the nexl *Jl hours. Taking aclvaniage of the >ame rofwcpi and new this yrnr is Black & Decker s persomu-size    F«ur-T up

Thcrtn.il Tarafe <*wflte Mnker


(am>idrrmg chaiigtng jutterns m cofTee drinking lubits. Black Sc Decker V marketing nunnger JelT Myt* says. "Mnre Amcricans than ever are drinking cofTee. bul theyre drinking fewce cups n day.. Oor new per.Min-uł-siro ciilTce makcfS were creati d m> that cofTee drinkers who want only a few cups cnn enjoy Raeorful cnffet? without wasting ;t drop-

lakę the fułł-strr models. the per-Minol-si/e a»(Ttv system* are de-Mgncd with a brew mg light that Nig-rutki when cudec i> read> and auti>-matic drip >t«rp And. for prace of mind after ruwing out the di*»r. ail shut i>ff fenture after the brewing proce** is completcd.

Black :nay bc the strong śtatement in smali port ablc appliances, but whitc jteems to lir the dircction token by manufucitircrs for mojor kitchen appliance*. Tliis chan contemporary look Wh*w> the Jerk European style of kitchen design (5K Applumcon' ttew* iinc of kitchen and laundr> op-plinncr* is callcd *white-on-whitc" The model* are white with whitc eon-troi panels and subtlc gray grapiiic*.

One of the first unit* to arrivc is the Spocecmur 27 side-by-side re-frigeralor. The new all-white unit imndil TFXW27K) ofTcrs the same CE Refri^hmcnl Cmtcr cttt-‘ tam Aispctticr oflering chiłJed water urid crushtd or culnd :cc. The door swing* dnwn ar.d hccomcs n built-in cunnter space fi»r łutmly sereing of ln*veragisand snack*.

•This refrigeratnr. doigned as a (oui maiugcment system that allows for rffickmt organi/aimn of n Inrgc ipiantity of fund* and beveragcs. has lutn highly popular >ince wc mtro-ducinl ii in 1986* said Gary M. Christetisen. gem-ral manager of (JE* refrigeration producu. Anothcr featurc is an clectrnnic monitor with solid stntr di-ctromc* that light up and herp to nlrft thr user «if possiblr problem s.

Kor convcmrncr, there is a (Jurek Sirve System umler ihe n-frigrratoc shell that ominin* fivi- -toragr dish-i-v ihat are microw.iieablc and dish* wusher-pcoof The model also in-dudr* a food-s.iver system with thrre

NEW YORK (AP) - The fur.. Ra-vor nnd sntisfnction of homc rni*<-d vegctnblcs prompt* millioos of American hemeuwnors to plant.Kickynrd garden* cvery ycar.

The rccent decelopmcnt of modern, lightwcight potting ntixc* and the avnilability of largc, incxprostvc eon-toinera has madc it pcasible to grow vcgctablcs on o deck. patio or a sunny windowsill.

Container gardeners are wow mis* ing tomotoes. pepper*. cven sweet com in poti. Snlod green* are amOng the caiiest to grow nnd will make a bcuutifully dccorati\e plantcf u* well.

TYy Swbs chnrd. which re*cmblc> letlucćTiut doc*~n i UJt tu seed in hol wcathcr TVy the ruby-red mru-ty, known as Rhuburb. plantcd together with greon solad vcgctable*.

Scnllions aro intrroting to graw. Grow them from sads or oninn sets uvfttlub!c at your gurden center m the spring. Scallions arc a zc>ty nddi-tion to salads and otlicr redpe*.

Radishcs nrc fnst grnwing. nnd therc is a widc vnricty of dclicious kmds from which to choosc. Phmt radishc* wery fcw wiek* for n eon-tinuoos supply.

The following tip* for pbtnting >our own s.ilad bowl garden nrc from All Hoffman, mnker* of Hoffman Container Gardening Soil Min.

•    Sclect .1 widc-mouthed Container, at loast 5 ur 6 inches decp. Glazcd or unglazed ceramic bowl* arc*ciccllcnt, but you mny use any *uitnblv-si2ed Container. provided it ha* dramage bolei in the bottum.

• • * Pili the Container with n lightwcight. Mńllc** potting mi\tu>o designed for euntomer gardening. This type of potting mixture ofTcrs cxccłlcnt uir ami watcr-holding cn-pociły so that plant ruots will not dcy iMit or l>c suJTncatcd by compactcd soil. a common problem with standard potting >oils Lightwcight mixe* need to bc- thATMtghly dnmpencd bc-(orc planting.

•    1‘br.t md or started transplnnu from your garden center. You can choosc Red Snils Icttucc. oak teof let-tuce, garden cres*. pnrslcy und other solad greens Loosclcaf. non-heading v.tncticsof Icttucc work best

•    Set >xiur salad bowl gurdens wherc thcyll rvceive S r*r 6 hours of sunsliinc daily. Bowl* of Icttucc olonc will toteratc somcwhnt lew than thi* lf you place the bowl* outdoors oo a patio ur deck. rcmcmhcr to wait until dnngcr of frest i* past. /V* the wcath-er tum* warmer. you will need to providc somc jhadc dunng the holte*t part of the day to slow Icttucc down and prokwg your harveat.

•    Krep the soil in your cootamcrs unifarmly rr.oist but not soggy If y ou harc o number of containcrs plantcd. or need to bc awny from homo for a day or two. you may want to «n$idcr *omc kind of Automatic wnicring system soch a* drip imgatioo. Therc nre *evcral good kit* acnilablc for homo ccnuiiner gardeners.

•    Wfctablcs grown in containcrs du best when smali amouots of fcrtil-i zer arc applied often. Food them with a complctc fcrtiłizcr łonc eon-suining nitrogm. phosphorua and potasMum plus traec clcmcnUii start-mg when tney arc 4 to 6 inchcs tali und then cvcry two wceks thercaftcr. using holf the amount rccommcndcd on the packogc.

.. Once vour salad bowls arc up and growing, use Otom as dcconitivc ac-ccnts on your patio, deck or a sunny spot indoor*. For addod color. try mtxing them with pots of bright cdi-blc nnnunl Roweru likc nasturtiums or Rowering herbs.

______The corrx)*ete <^vcyj c*pcr«oncc

. . disceuer the d/A






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