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Dr. Jerzy Choróbski.
The author speaks firstly of the various opinions on the etiology of subdural blood effusion, then he presents the problems of pathology, symptomatology and prognosis of subdural hematoma. Two personal cases of posttraumatic subdural hematoma, ope-rated suecessfully, illustrate these va-rious problems. One of the cases was that of a fluid blood effusion, encapsula-ted in the subdural space by new formed membranes, the other one presented a pic-ture of an huge blood ciot, partially or-ganized by the dura mater and resem-bling the pathological condition, called by Virchow the pachymeningitis haemorrhagica interna. The surgical treatment of subdural hematoma will be different, according to the condition of blood, found on exploratory trephining. If the blood in the subdural space will be found fluid,