• Report to the Congress on the Military Reąuirements and Costs of NATO Enlargement (February 1998)
Wykaz publikacji rekomendowanych przez Amerykańskie Centrum Informacyjne, w ramach współpracy z Ośrodkiem Informacji Naukowej i Bibliograficznej Biblioteki Głównej AON.
1. Asmus, Ronald D., Opening NATO’s Door: How the Alliance Remade Itself for a New Era. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.
2. Bayles, John and Smith, Steve (1997), The Globalization of the World Politics- An Introduction to intemational Relations (Oxford University Press)
3. Bebler, Anton A., The Challenge of NATO Enlargement. Praeger Publishers, 1999
4. Biden, Joseph R., Meeting the Challenges of a Post-Cold War World: NATO Enlargement and U.S-Russia Relations. Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate (Washington, D.C 1997)
5. Carpenter, Ted G. and Barbara Conry, eds. NATO Enlargement: Illusions and Reality. Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 1998.
6. Charles- Philippe, D. and Levesque, J. (1999), The futurę of NATO: Enlargement, Russia and European Security (McGill-Queen's University Press); Cowen Karp, Regina. Central and Eastern Europę. The Challenge of Transition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
7. Douglas Frank R., The United States, NATO, and a New Multilateral Relationship. 2008
8. Dutkiewicz Piotr ; Robert J. Jackson . NATO Looks East. Praeger,