
6    ‘I haven't been here before' said Tom. THERE

Tom said_

7    ‘Do you always look so pale?' Jane asked me. IF

Jane asked_

8    ‘Don't worry about anything' said the waiter to us. TO

The waiter_

9    The hairdresser is colouring my hair. COLOURED

10 Is this the venue for the concert? IF

Do you_

IV. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1    I_the walls painted next week.

A had    B would have

C have had    D will have

2    Don'teversaythattomeagain,_?

A do you    B dont you

C will you D won't you

3    Very_people bought the group's latest


A many    B    much

C few    D llttle

4    Simon hasn t graduated yet_his sister has.

A and    B but

C so    D nor

5    I won’t know the results for_days.

A much    B a great deal of

Cacoupleof Da llttle

6    No sooner_the garden than a storm

broke out.

A do we water    B had we watered

C have we watered D will we water

13    “I love playing tennis." “_do I.”

A Nor    B Nelther

C So    D Too

14    It was so cold I had to spend the_day


A whole    B every

C all    D each

15    Although Jack speaks fluent Italian, he has never_ Italy.

A gone to    B been to

C gone at    D been in

16    _were several celebrities at the party.

A There    B They

C It    D These

17    If_sees Sophie, can they give her a


A anything    B any

C anyone    D anywhere

18    Tve never been fined." ",_have I."

A Too    B Neither

C But

D So


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