activateb1+grammartest 9

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 In the film, after lots of funny events the crime … .

A will be solved

B is solving

C is solved

D is going to be solved

2 ‘The piano … by the thief when the police arrived and arrested him.’

‘He was a rather daft criminal, wasn’t he?’

A is played

B was played

C was be played

D was being played

3 ‘Look! Scooby … by a big scary ghost!’

‘He looks absolutely terrified!’

A was chased

B is being chased

C will be chased

D chased

4 The role of Clouseau … wonderfully by Steve Martin.

A is be played

B were played

C was played

D play

5 ‘The police … that a crime was committed and they have to solve it.’

‘What happens next?’

A told

B has told

C tell

D have been told

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 Once they had seen the evidence they knew that the man … by the thief.

A had been murdered

B had murdered

C had been murdering

D has been murdering

7 ‘After more clues are found a suspect … .’

‘Let’s hope so.’

A would be arrested

B will be arrested

C was arrested

D has been arrested

8 ‘The detective thinks that the wife … in the mysterious disappearance of the jewels.’

‘But she was in Europe when the crime was committed.’

A is being involved

B was being involved

C has involved

D might be involved

9 In the end, the monsters … by a special police force.

A were being killed

B had been killing

C were killing

D were killed

10 ‘A trail of blood … leading from the kitchen to the living room.’

‘That was a great clue.’

A is being left

B had been left

C was being left

D has been leaving

11 By Friday night all the criminals … and imprisoned.

A had been caught

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B are being caught

C has been caught

D caught

12 ‘The thief had no idea that he … robbing the bank.’

‘Was the film used as evidence?’

A is being filmed

B is be filmed

C has filmed

D had been filmed

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 Janet … a great detective when she grows up.

A is becoming

B was becoming

C will to become

D might become

2 The money … here somewhere; I remember putting it here two hours ago.

A can’t be

B mustn’t be

C couldn’t be

D must be

3 ‘There … some evidence as to who stole the painting.’

‘Well, it hasn’t been found yet.’

A has to be

B had to be

C was to be

D were to be

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



4 He … an open person if he sits with his arms folded across his chest.

A couldn’t have been

B can’t be

C must has been

D could had been

5 ‘The murderer … when the policeman wasn’t looking.’

‘Do you think he will be caught again?’

A can’t have escaped

B couldn’t have been escaping

C must have been escaping

D must have escaped

6 ‘It … a real smile, because there were no wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.’

‘It must have been a fake one then.’

A couldn’t have been

B wasn’t have been

C hasn’t been

D hadn’t been

7 If someone can’t look you straight in the eye, they … you a lie.

A couldn’t tell

B might be telling

C have been told

D has been telling

8 ‘Maybe the detective will find a suspect.’

‘Yes, he … one.’

A will find

B can’t find

C may find

D couldn’t find

9 It … Tommy who stole the money, because he was with me all last night.

A may have been

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B could have been

C might have been

D couldn’t have been

10 The film … hilarious because everyone was laughing loudly when they came out of the cinema.

A can’t have been

B must have been

C will have been

D wouldn’t be

11 The police have examined all the evidence carefully and they think that Tim … committed the


A may have

B is

C was

D can’t

12 ‘There … something here to tell us who did it.’

‘I agree, but where is it?’

A can’t be

B must be

C couldn’t be

D couldn’t have been

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 Perhaps your dad is right about who broke the window.

Your dad ………………………….. right about who broke the window. COULD

2 Someone stole a painting from the museum yesterday.

A ………………………….. from the museum yesterday.


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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3 It’s likely that the thief escaped through the back door.

The thief ………………………….. escaped through the back door.


4 The burglar kills a woman during the burglary.

A ………………………….. during the burglary. KILLED

5 It’s possible that the parrot was a part of the crime.

The parrot ………………………….. part of the crime. MAY

6 After the crime, the police realised the murderer had broken a window to get in.

After the crime, the police realised the window ………………………….. the murderer. BEEN

7 Maybe the spy gave away the information.

The spy ………………………….. away the information. COULD

8 The greatest detective in the country is investigating the theft.

The ………………………….. the greatest detective in the country.


Marks / 8

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 The shop owner

was being/is being

interviewed by the police right now.

2 John

may try/must have try

to hide the truth from us.

3 I am absolutely positive that Joe

might have/must have

taken the money.

4 The murder

had been/has been

solved and the suspect has been caught.

5 We’re not sure, but we think that Penelope

must have taken/must take

part in the crime.

6 The suspects

were identified/are identified

easily by two witnesses early this morning.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



7 The bird, which

was being named/was named

Mickey, had been stolen from a pet shop.

8 If the thief

was not bitten/hadn’t been bitten

by the cross dog, he would not have been caught.

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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