activateb1+grammartest 7

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 ‘Your friends should never … you do things you don’t want to do.’

‘I totally agree.’

A make

B let

C made

D lets

2 If you don’t … the psychologist help you with your problem, you’ll never be happy.

A letting

B suggest

C let

D make

3 When you are upset, … of a person you really care about and imagine you are doing something

fun with them.

A to think

B think

C thinking

D to be thinking

4 ‘Kevin’s mother … to the party on Friday night and he was very depressed.’

‘I don’t think she should have made him stay at home.’

A didn’t let him to go

B didn’t make him to go

C didn’t make him go

D didn’t let him go

5 It’s important … around the house; it makes them more mature.

A to make kids to help

B to make kids help

C make kids help

D make kids to help

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 ‘Here, … you with those heavy bags.’

‘That’s very nice of you. Thanks.’

A make me to help

B let me to help

C let me help

D make me help

7 … your cool; calm down and let’s talk about the situation.

A Don’t lose

B Don’t to lose

C To don’t lose

D Don’t be losing

8 ‘When you see red, … your pillow but never your friends.’

‘That’s very good advice.’

A to hit

B hit

C hitting

D hits

9 My PE teacher was very cross and … the class until I had calmed down.

A made me to leave

B let me leave

C let me to leave

D made me leave

10 ‘I suggest that if you want to defuse the situation, … away.’

‘That’s probably the best idea.’

A to walk

B walking

C walk

D walked

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



11 ‘… forget those important phone calls.’

‘OK. I’ll remind you later.’

A You don’t let me

B Not let

C Don’t let me

D Not to let me

12 Parents should make their teenagers take responsibility for themselves by … independent.

A making they are

B letting them be

C let them be

D make them to be

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 My teacher suggested … my parents that I would try harder with my school work.

A that I should be reassuring

B that I reassure

C that should I reassure

D that I to reassure

2 ‘They … to a psychologist about their break-up than with you.’

‘Well, that’s completely understandable.’

A would prefer speak

B will prefer to speak

C would prefer to speak

D would to prefer speak

3 ‘I suggest that you … when people talk about you; they’re just jealous.’

‘Perhaps you’re right.’

A not see red

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B to not see red

C not to see red

D won’t see red

4 … you prefer to go out with someone who isn’t as snobbish as Sheila?

A Couldn’t

B Shouldn’t

C Mustn’t

D Wouldn’t

5 ‘He would rather you … so stubborn all the time.’

‘I’m not stubborn. I just don’t agree with him.’

A wasn’t

B didn’t

C don’t

D weren’t

6 Kyle … that I should tell my parents when they did things that annoy me.

A would rather

B suggests

C would prefer

D suggested

7 ‘Jones would rather argue … try and keep the peace.’

‘Well, that’s very immature, isn’t it?’

A when

B then

C to

D than

8 Cindy … positive feelings than negative ones.

A would rather have

B would rather to have

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C would rather having

D would rather has

9 ‘I’d rather you … make me feel so vulnerable; it’s a terrible feeling.’

‘I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.’

A don’t

B didn’t

C wasn’t

D weren’t

10 Sherry … home alone than out with her friends.

A would rather to be

B would rather is

C would rather be

D would rather being

Marks / 10

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 Mum told me that I had to say sorry for being rude to the coach.

Mum ………………………….. sorry for being rude to the coach. MADE

2 I don’t want you to go out with that strange boy.

I ………………………….. go out with that strange boy. RATHER

3 The psychologist told Karen to keep her cool.

The psychologist said, ‘………………………….., please.’ LOSE

4 You should discuss the problem to defuse the situation.

They ………………………….. discuss the problem to defuse the situation.


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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 7

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5 Helen couldn’t go out on Friday night because of her parents.

Helen’s parents ………………………….. go out on Friday night.


6 Kenny was rude but his mum didn’t give him any extra work to do around the house.

Although Kenny was rude, his mum ………………………….. do any extra work around the house.


7 Going out with my friends is much more enjoyable than staying home!

I ………………………….. with my friends than stay at home! TO

8 His coach said that he could join the football team.

His coach ………………………….. join the football team.


Marks / 8

4. Complete the text with one word which best fits each gap.

Last Friday I had a really bad experience. My best friend, Pat, had 1) ………. that I come with her to

a new café that had opened in town. I really didn’t feel like going, but I knew I would 2) ………. her

feel bad if I refused. I know I should have told her that I 3) ………. rather stay at home that night 4)

………. go to the café, but I didn’t.

I really don’t enjoy going to places where there are a lot of snobbish people – they really 5) ……….

me feel uncomfortable. I would rather 6) ………. with people who do 7) ………. look down on me and

8) ………. me feel vulnerable. Anyway, once again I 9) ………. Pat talk me into doing something that

I 10) ………. have preferred not to.

Marks / 10

Marks / 40


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