activateb1+grammartest 6

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 They … avoid food like fish and chips if they want to lose weight.

A can

B might

C are able to

D ought to

2 You … climb to the top of the pole; half way is fine for today.

A needed

B have to

C needn’t

D weren’t able to

3 Students … take any exams to get into the sports school as long as they are good athletes.

A couldn’t

B must

C can

D don’t need to

4 ‘My mother … get her blood pressure checked.’

‘Why? Hasn’t she been feeling well?’

A needs to

B can

C is able to

D mustn’t

5 How can you play on your Playstation for so many hours? You … be out playing football or


A can

B ought to

C need

D must

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 Harry … take part in the circuit training, but he’ll have to wait to take part in the obstacle


A can

B ought to

C needn’t

D doesn’t have to

7 Kevin … complete the obstacle course so that means he is quite fit.

A had better

B ought to

C was able to

D isn’t able to

8 ‘Circuit training is a series of exercises that you … do in a certain order.’

‘It sounds rather tough to me.’

A have to

B are able to

C ought not to

D had better not

9 It’s really great because you … use any special equipment in circuit training.

A ought not to

B shouldn’t

C had better not

D needn’t

10 Gradually, the members of the sports club … do more exercises and will definitely feel the


A will be able to

B could

C can

D won’t need to

11 She knows that she … face up to her problems.

A can

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B must

C need

D is able to

12 It’s wonderful knowing that I … to worry about being unfit any more.

A don’t need

B mustn’t

C can’t

D shouldn’t

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 You … that you had sprained your ankle when you couldn’t walk.

A should know

B should has known

C should have known

D should have know

2 ‘Sally … the doctor because I’m fine now.’

‘Yes, but she was very worried about you.’

A needn’t have called

B could have called

C should have called

D might have called

3 Karen … so much about winning the relay race; she’s an amazing runner.

A needn’t have worry

B not needed to have worried

C needn’t have worried

D not needed have worried

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



4 ‘Ted … himself badly playing football without warming up first.’

‘You’re right; he was very lucky.’

A could have injured

B should have injured

C can’t have injured

D must have injured

5 ‘Cameron … a muscle when he was climbing up the pole.’

‘Yes. Now he can’t do anything with his arm.’

A can have pulled

B must have pulled

C should have pulled

D needn’t have pulled

6 Mary … in the cross-country race because she hurt her knee yesterday.

A can’t have run

B can’t has run

C can’t have ran

D can’t has ran

7 Tina … about today’s race; I’ll send her a text to see where she is.

A should have forgotten

B must have forgotten

C needn’t have forgotten

D need have forgotten

8 ‘You know, Pete … a star footballer when he was a teenager?’

‘Yes. Too bad he let himself get so unfit.’

A was able to been

B should be

C might have been

D can be

9 Jamie you … all that junk food; how are you going to run in the obstacle race?

A needn’t have eaten

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B must have eaten

C shouldn’t have eaten

D might have eaten

10 ‘Peter … football before he asked the doctor to check his blood pressure.’

‘I know. It was a silly thing to do.’

A shouldn’t have played

B shouldn’t play

C shouldn’t have play

D shouldn’t have plays

Marks / 10

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 The children drank too much cola at the party.

The children ………………………….. so much cola at the party.


2 There was no need to worry about the race because we won easily.

You ………………………….. about the race because we won easily.


3 He ate too much food before his circuit training.

He ………………………….. so much food before his circuit training.


4 The coach did all he could to help the players win the game.

The coach ………………………….. more to help the players win the game.


5 Sheila did all she could to score a goal during the hockey match.

Sheila ………………………….. harder to score a goal during the hockey match.


6 My sister didn’t think she could win the cross-country race but she did.

My sister ………………………….. worried about winning the cross-country race.


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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



7 I’m sure she grazed her knee when she fell on the tennis court.

She ………………………….. grazed her knee when she fell on the tennis court. HAVE

8 Billy couldn’t climb up the 6-metre pole.

Billy ………………………….. climb up the 6-metre pole.


9 It’s not necessary to get your blood pressure checked every week.

You ………………………….. your blood pressure checked every week. NEED

10 It’s not possible that you have lost your keys.

You ………………………….. lost your keys.


Marks / 10

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 She realises that she


eat so much junk food every week.

2 All members

are able to/must

obey the club rules.

3 Players


have team spirit if they want to do well at their sport.

4 You

couldn’t/don’t need to

bring any special equipment with you; they have everything at the


5 Ian says the children

had better/ought

stop playing so many video games.

6 You only bruised your arm; it

could have been/had to be

a lot worse.


Need you /Are you able

to compete in the 500 metres race?

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



8 Where’s John? He

must have/ought to have

forgotten about today’s training session.

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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