activateb1+grammartest 3

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 My friend … a demo and he is very excited.

A has just been record

B just recording

C has just recorded

D just has recorded

2 ‘I’d love to see a famous band like



‘Me too. I’ve … been to a concert before.’

A ever

B already

C just

D never

3 ‘How long … the guitar?’

‘Oh, about three years now.’

A have you been playing

B you have been playing

C have you playing

D have you be playing

4 I have … called the producer and he said I’ve got the job!

A just

B ever

C yet

D still

5 The producers … the concert for about a year.

A has been planning

B have planned

C have been planning

D has planned

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 Beyonce has been releasing solo albums … 2003.

A for

B since

C yet

D already

7 My sister … to be on the programme




A always has wanted

B has always been wanting

C always has been wanting

D has always wanted

8 The group is new but very ambitious and has … recorded three songs.

A already

B yet

C since

D never

9 Simmons … him to feel more self-confident while he’s singing.

A has helping

B has been helping

C has be helped

D have been helping

10 The teenagers … for weeks and they’re now ready to be on the show.

A have rehearsed

B have be rehearse

C have been rehearse

D have been rehearsing

11 ‘The band


… thirty years giving concerts.’

‘I know. I’m crazy about their music.’

A has been spending

B has spend

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C has spent

D has been spent

12 ‘Did you know that


… her first single in 2000?’

‘Was it that long ago?’

A was releasing

B has been releasing

C released

D has released

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 The whole concert hall went quiet. We all looked at … .

A ourselves

B by ourselves

C one other

D each other

2 The men in the band don’t live …; they share a house in the city.

A one another

B themselves

C by himself

D by themselves

3 Jamie doesn’t have a tutor; he studies … .

A by alone

B by himself

C by his own

D by heself

4 Supper is ready everyone. Please help … to some spaghetti and salad.

A ourselves

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B yourselves

C themselves

D himself


School of the Air

used radios to keep the students in touch with … .

A other

B another

C each another

D one another

6 The teenagers on the reality TV programme looked after … .

A one the other

B each other

C them

D theirselves

7 Make sure you behave … at the party.

A herself

B myself

C yourself

D themselves

8 ‘I can’t carry these two guitars … .’

‘Wait a minute and I’ll help you.’

A by myself

B each

C one another

D on myself

9 ‘Would you be interested in learning to play the drums at home …?’

‘Yes, I think it would be a great challenge.’

A by myself

B by yourselves

C by herself

D by yourself

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



10 We’re both keen on technology and we help … to find information about it.

A ourselves

B one another

C by ourselves

D each another

11 Joey and Julie are in the garden reading to … .

A each other

B each another

C one other

D ourselves

12 The software was very expensive but the students didn’t pay for it …; the school helped.

A each other

B by ourselves

C one another

D themselves

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 We don’t study with each other very often.

We don’t study with ………………………….. very often.


2 She began recording when she was sixteen.

She ………………………….. she was sixteen. SINCE

3 I hope you all have a good time at the rock concert.

I hope you all ………………………….. at the rock concert.


4 Kevin had a broken arm, but he combed his hair without any help.

Kevin had a broken arm, but he combed his hair ………………………….. .


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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5 Chris bought his guitar two years ago.

Chris ………………………….. two years.


6 My brother makes me happy when I’m sad and I make him happy when he’s sad.

My brother and I ………………………….. happy when we’re sad.


7 Gene has never been a tutor before.

It’s the first ………………………….. a tutor.


8 They haven’t finished studying their lesson yet.

They ………………………….. their lesson.


Marks / 8

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 My little sister is too young to cook

by herself/herself


2 My dad

has been learning/has learned

three languages and now he’s learning another one!

3 Do you like this song? I wrote it



4 My mother and father love

each other/each another

very much.

5 Sherry is very proud of this pizza; she baked it



6 She

started/has started

at the new comprehensive school in 2008.

7 Milly fell over and hurt


while she was playing in the garden.


Have you ever met/Have you ever been meeting

a famous person?

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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