activateb1+grammartest 8

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 When you drive your car, you … the environment.

A harmed

B have harmed

C will harm

D harm

2 ‘If we go on the safari next year, we … lots of comfortable clothes.’

‘Well, you certainly won’t need a heavy jacket!’

A would take

B will be taken

C will take

D take

3 ‘If we’re lucky, we … some whales in their natural habitat.’

‘That would be absolutely amazing!’

A see

B would see

C will see

D would have seen

4 If she … a whale, she’ll be very excited.

A will see

B had seen

C would have seen

D sees

5 If people stopped buying fur coats, hunters … endangered animals.

A won’t kill

B wouldn’t have killed

C didn’t kill

D wouldn’t kill

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 ‘If you go to the Arctic, you … glaciers.’

‘That must be a wonderful sight.’

A see

B would see

C would have see

D would have seen

7 If they … the conservation park this year, more tigers would have died.

A hadn’t opened

B haven’t opened

C hasn’t opened

D won’t open

8 ‘If I could, I … save all the animals on the planet.’

‘Me, too.’

A would

B will

C would have

D will be

9 If the car had never been invented, then we … the Earth so badly.

A might not damage

B might not have damaged

C might not be damaged

D might not has damaged

10 ‘The concert is on … the band decides not to play.’

‘I’m sure they wouldn’t do that.’

A if

B if not

C unless

D when

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



11 ‘We’ll leave for Africa next week unless the safari … called off.’

‘I can’t see why it would be.’

A is

B was

C will be

D would be

12 … we do something about global warming, the ice cap will melt and the polar bears will have

nowhere to live.

A If

B If not

C Unless

D When

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 They … the cabin repaired and they are going to live in it for the whole winter.

A had had

B would have

C have had

D has had

2 Nowadays, people in Athens usually … on their balconies to keep the sun off.

A have canopies installed

B had canopies installed

C would have canopies installed

D will have canopies installed

3 ‘We would like to … .’

‘No, problem. I’ll call someone this afternoon.’

A cut the grass

B get the grass cut

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C have cut the grass

D get the grass cuts

4 ‘Our neighbours … by professional painters every five years.’

‘Really? We paint ours ourselves.’

A have their house paints

B paint their house

C have their house painted

D have painted their house

5 We … a cage made for our pet fox next week.

A had got

B have got

C would get

D are getting

6 ‘Julie … stolen while she was on holiday in Canada.’

‘Oh my. Did she have much money in it?’

A gets her bag

B got her bag

C is getting her bag

D was getting her bag

7 My grandfather … twelve trees planted on his farm.

A has

B have

C would have

D is having

8 ‘The people in the neighbourhood … every Monday by the council.’

‘That’s very convenient, isn’t it?’

A get their recycling bins emptied

B have their recycling bins empty

C emptied their recycling bins

D were emptying their recycling bins

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



9 ‘We … our garden maintained by a new gardener.’

‘Why? Wasn’t the old one dependable?’

A had

B are having

C would have

D will has

10 They … the conservation park built with the money they received from donations.

A are getting

B have got

C would get

D get

11 ‘They … in their garden by the maintenance man.’

‘Yes. I saw it yesterday.’

A put up a bird feeder

B will have a bird feeder put up

C are putting up a bird feeder

D had a bird feeder put up

12 ‘The council … in the area.’

‘It’s certainly about time, don’t you think?’

A are having set up a recycling project

B are having a recycling project set up

C are a recycling project having set up

D set up are having a recycling project

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 They are having a law against illegal hunting passed.

They ………………………….. a law against illegal hunting passed.


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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 If we don’t stop polluting the planet, we will be in great trouble.

We will be in great trouble ………………………….. polluting the planet.


3 We wouldn’t go on the holiday unless it was an environmentally-friendly one.

We wouldn’t go on the holiday ………………………….. an environmentally-friendly one.


4 The builders installed solar panels on my roof.

I ………………………….. on my roof. HAVE

5 My uncle’s trees that were blown over by the wind have been replanted.

My uncle ………………………….. that were blown over by the wind replanted. HAD

6 A professional designed this park for the government.

The government had this park ………………………….. a professional. BY

7 My mother has found someone to install a canopy on the balcony.

My mother is going to ………………………….. installed on the balcony.


8 My dad chose these windows because they keep out the cold.

My dad ………………………….. these windows if they didn’t keep out the cold. WOULDN’T

Marks / 8

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 If they hadn’t stopped the tourists going onto the beach last year, the turtles

would have been/will



2 When you

travel/will travel

by plane, you create air pollution.



you donate money, more

The Nature Fund

can’t do its work.

4 If I


you, I would visit the old monastery during your holiday to the island.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 8

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5 We

changed our lights/had our lights changed

by an electrician and now they use less electricity.

6 Kevin

had his suitcase stolen/stole his suitcase

just before he got on the plane to Greece.

7 If people

didn’t throw/wouldn’t throw

so much litter in the streets, it wouldn’t cost so much to

clean it up.

8 When the Earth’s atmosphere heats up, the glaciers

will melt/would have melted


Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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