activateb1+grammartest 2

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 An artist named Pascal … as a sculptor when he was asked to create something for the exhibition.

A worked

B was work

C be working

D was working

2 ‘… the display at the local gallery?’

‘Yes. She thought it was terrific.’

A Was she enjoying

B Did she enjoying

C Was she enjoyed

D Did she enjoy

3 I … a deep breath and started climbing up the steep hill.

A took

B was taking

C taking

D am taking

4 Some people were taking photographs while everyone else … postcards.

A bought

B was buy

C was buying

D were bought

5 A woman asked the artist to paint her picture and he immediately … the challenge.

A took up

B was taking up

C taking up

D be take up

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 ‘What … yesterday afternoon at five o’clock?’

‘I was at the Tate Modern.’

A did you do

B were you doing

C was you doing

D were doing you

7 ‘Every Saturday we … to a different gallery in the city.’

‘What a great way to spend a Saturday.’

A were go

B were going

C went

D going

8 My friend … a painting class last winter.

A was joining

B join

C joining

D joined

9 A group of tourists … the view from the top of the tower.

A enjoy

B was enjoy

C was enjoying

D enjoyed

10 Some of the tour guides … people onto the bus, others were giving information to the sightseers.

A were getting

B were get

C getting

D got

11 He was working on his painting when someone … his studio.

A was entering

B entering

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C entered

D be enter

12 ‘While we … the area, we got lost in a village.’

‘Goodness. What did you do?’

A toured

B were tour

C was touring

D were touring

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 … he took on, the busier he got.

A The more work

B More work

C The most work

D Most work

2 ‘Visiting the local gallery was … experience I’ve had so far.’

‘Really? I quite liked it.’

A least enjoyable

B less enjoyable

C the least enjoyable

D least enjoyable than

3 The CN Tower was … exciting than the Washington Monument.

A more much

B the more

C the much

D much more

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



4 They were … spectacular cows I had ever seen.

A far by the most

B by far the most

C by far the more

D by far most

5 Those were … photographs I’ve ever taken.

A the bad

B the worse

C the baddest

D the worst

6 ‘Is your painting … mine?’

‘No, I don’t think so.’

A older than

B the oldest

C the older as

D oldest than

7 The climb up to the tower was … I had imagined it would be.

A less tired than

B less tiring as

C less tiring

D less tiring than

8 This Renoir painting is not … that Picasso painting.

A as expensive than

B more expensive as

C most expensive than

D as expensive as

9 ‘Did you enjoy the exhibition?’

‘Yes, it was … exhibition I’ve ever seen.’

A the better

B better

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C good

D the best

10 A skyscraper is … than a block of flats.

A high

B highest

C higher

D the highest

11 ‘The roads going towards the Acropolis are … in July and August.’

‘Yes. A lot of tourists come to Athens during those months.’

A much busier

B most busiest

C much busiest

D most busier

12 The tourist didn’t find the sightseeing tour … he had expected.

A more exciting as

B as exciting than

C as exciting as

D as much exciting as

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 New Glasgow’s local exhibition is busier than Pictou’s.

Pictou’s local exhibition ………………………….. New Glasgow’s.


2 A painting doesn’t take up as much space as a giant sculpture.

A painting ………………………….. than a giant sculpture.


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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3 She prefers modern art to classical art.

She likes ………………………….. classical art. MORE

4 The cows on the corner of the high street are bigger than the ones in the middle of the square.

The cows in the middle of the square ………………………….. the cows on the corner of the high



5 Which painted cow sculpture do you like the most?

Which ………………………….. painted cow sculpture? BEST

6 Pollack’s paintings aren’t as well-known as Rembrandt’s.

Rembrandt’s paintings ………………………….. Pollack’s.


7 I’ve never bought a more colourful sculpture than this.

This ………………………….. that I’ve ever bought.


8 These postcards of the Tate Modern cost a lot more than all the others.

These postcards of the Tate Modern ………………………….. of all.


Marks / 8

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 She’s got some new photos. What

do you think/are you thinking

about them?

2 John is

much more/more much

pleased with his paintings than I am with mine.

3 These people are


far the best painters in the country.

4 Gretel is


talented than the other students in the school.

5 The cows soon

were becoming/became

an international success.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 2

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 I saw a lot of tourists while I

was walking/walked

past the London Eye on Saturday.

7 While we were looking at the display, a dog suddenly

ran/was running

into the gallery.

8 The harder the artist tried, the


he managed to get done.

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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