activateb1+grammartest 4

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 The adventure holiday … in two weeks.

A has started

B will be start

C will have been starting

D starts

2 ‘I haven’t eaten since noon and I’m starving.’

‘I … you something to eat.’

A will make

B will be making

C will have made

D am making

3 ‘I can’t believe you … do the Three Peaks Challenge!’

‘You don’t sound very optimistic about it.’

A will

B are

C are going to

D will be

4 I’m not sure running will be enough, so I … some other exercises too.

A will be do

B will do

C will have done

D will have do

5 ‘This time tomorrow we … towards the peak of the mountain.’

‘I know! It’s extraordinary.’

A will head

B will be heading

C will have headed

D will headed

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 By the end of the expedition, I … all about different kinds of plants.

A will have learned

B will learn

C will learned

D will have been learning

7 The plane … at seven o’clock, so we should be at the airport before five.

A is leaving

B will have left

C will have been leaving

D left

8 By next winter, we … in the countryside for over a year.

A will have be lived

B will have been living

C will live

D are going to live

9 Oh no! Look at that mountain climber! He … .

A is going to fall

B will have been fallen

C will have fallen

D will fall

10 ‘I hope the holiday … too exhausting.’

‘Oh, I’m sure you’ll be able to stand the pace.’

A isn’t being

B won’t be

C aren’t being

D won’t have been

11 ‘As soon as I get back, I … you.’

‘Is that a promise?’

A will call

B will be calling

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C will have called

D am going to

12 ‘Me and two other friends … the football team.’

‘I think I will too.’

A join

B are joined

C are joining

D will joining

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 ‘… you start exercising, you will begin to lose weight.’

‘I hope so.’

A While

B When

C By the time

D Before

2 … a problem comes up, we’ll work together to solve it.

A As soon as

B Before

C While

D By the time

3 … you leave the aeroplane, check that you haven’t left anything behind.

A When

B Until

C As soon as

D While

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



4 ‘Keep on walking … you reach the beginning of the path.’

‘Great. Thanks for the directions.’

A before

B while

C by the time

D until

5 As soon as the taxi … here, we’ll put the bags in the boot and set off.

A gets

B is getting

C will get

D is going to get

6 ‘… I’m getting the equipment ready, why don’t you make some sandwiches?’

‘Okay. Good idea.’

A As soon as

B Until

C After

D While

7 Light a campfire … you finish putting up your tent.

A until

B as soon as

C while

D before

8 I … the instructor when he gets back from the expedition.

A ask

B will ask

C am going to ask

D am asking

9 ‘She’ll have finished cooking the fish … you get back to camp.’

‘Good. I’m sure it will be delicious.’

A as soon as

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B until

C when

D by the time

10 Amy will look for a place to camp while John … some water.

A collects

B will collect

C is going to collect

D will be collecting

11 ‘I really think you should ask the instructor … you go and explore the cave.’

‘Yes. I guess you’re right.’

A until

B while

C before

D when

12 You can join the organization … you learn the importance of working as part of a team.

A as soon as

B while

C until

D by the time

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 We are having dinner with Peter at


on Saturday.

We ………………………….. for dinner on Saturday at ChiChi’s.


2 I’ll clear up the equipment when I finish exercising.

I’ll clear up the equipment ………………………….. exercising. AS

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3 It’s now one o’clock. It will take me two hours to finish this job.

By ………………………….. this job it will be three o’clock.


4 They plan to climb the mountain on Saturday.

They ………………………….. the mountain on Saturday.


5 We’ll check in our luggage and then we can go and get a coffee.

We can go and get a coffee ………………………….. our luggage.


6 The radio forecasts rain for the weekend.

The radio says ………………………….. at the weekend. WILL

Marks / 6

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 By noon, we

will have reached/will have been reaching

the jungle.

2 This time next week, we

will be exploring /will explore

the jungle!



the course instructor gets here, I’ll ask her what time the expedition starts.

4 It’s freezing in this tent; I

will get/am going to get

an extra blanket from my backpack.

5 Look at the little boy in the tree! He

will fall


is going to fall


6 I

will send/am sending

you a postcard as soon as I get to the island.

7 By this time next month, she

will have been teaching/will be teaching

here for a year.

8 Just calm down. The police

are going to be/will be

here any second.

9 I

am having/will have

lunch with Edna tomorrow.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Grammar Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



10 We’ll swim with sharks when we

will go/go

on holiday.

Marks / 10

Total Marks / 40


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