Lecture Four

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Culture of English Language Area

Lecture Four


Exam: History: 13


of June Culture: 17


of June



April: Royal Wedding

Monarchy for the 21



1714: Stuart Dynasty Dies – Beginning of German Rule in Britain (1714-1901).
July 17, 1917 – the change of the name of the dynasty from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor. (The
Great War).
Victoria + Albert
Edward VII (1901-1910) + Alexandra
George V (1910-1936)
Edward VIII (1936, (325 days))
George VI + Elizabeth (Queen Mother)
Elizabeth Margaret
Charles Anne Andrew Edward
British Monarchy – the oldest secular institution in Britain (Goes back to King Egbert (The Guy
who united English Heptarchy)
George VI – first radio broadcasted coronation in history.

-April 21,1926 – the Queen is born (It is celebrated on 3


Saturday of June

-20 November 1947 – Elizabheth marries Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh
-February 6, 1952 – the death of George VI
-June 2, 1953 – the coronation of Elizabeth II.
The Queen is the fifth longest serving British monarch.
-The Queen reigns but does not rule
-The Queen's Duties:
-Head of State
-Head of Nation

-Opens Parliament with a speech
-Gives Royal Assent to bills
-Appoints Prime Ministers
-The Head of the Commonwealth
-Supreme Governor of the Church of England
-She has power to:
-conclude treaties
-declare war
-to make peace

Head of Nation (Queens duty is to create sense of unity among people)

Magickal documentary
-Two defining days
-coronation of Elizabeth (1953)
People are very anxious.

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44k pounds cost for BBC
Ban of Camera's in Church→ Quickly overturned ->No close-ups permitted
Close up on Camera Two changes the relationship between Media and the Monarchy
Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend → Romance appearing in newspapers. -> Press takes less
formal approach to Protocol
-Death of Princess Diana


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