Field Geology Lecture I

background image

May - trip to Sudety Mountains -> 200zł

"The best geologist is the one who saw the biggest number of rocks"

The work in the field is crutial.


Mamatic (igneous)









Notebook "field notebook" + pencils (+ all weather pen)


Ruler and/or protractor


Digital camera


Palmtop (PDA), notebook, tablet

The equipmnent of a field geologist:


Special geological field computers with suitable software (GIS?)

1) Geological hammer

• Very good quality steel, very hard
• Good proportions of weight
• Made of one piece of steel
• Costs about 80€

2) Chisels
3) Hand lens (trip let)
4) Hydrochloric acid solution (3-4% dilution)

Wha we can take to the field?

You have to powder the rock, f. e. dolomite, to see the reaction with hydrochloric acid.

5) Cartographic materials (maps)
6) GPS equipment

Orientation and positioning in the field.

1) Geologic compass
2) Several pencil crayons
3) Tape meter (3m, 5m, 30m)
4) Stereonet - specific technique of interpretation of geological

28.02.2013 Lecture I

28 lutego 2013

Field Geology Strona 1


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Basics of Field Geology R Crouch
Alvarez Gaume L , Introductory Lectures on Quantum Field Theory
Norbury Quantum field theory (Wisconsin lecture notes, 2000)(107s)
Girotti H O Noncommutative quantum field theories (Swieca lectures, Sao Paolo, 2003) (58s)
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