“Hills Like White Elephants”
Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants" touches on an issue as ageless as time:
communication problems in a relationship. He tells his story through conversations between the two main
characters, the American and the girl. The conflict is created through dialogue as these characters face
what most readers believe to be the obstacle of unexpected pregnancy. The plight is further complicated
by the inability to convey their differing opinions to each other. Symbolism and the title's meaning are other
effective means of communicating conflict.
First, consider the man's point of view. Single and in his prime, he makes the most of his lifestyle by
travelling and seeing new sights. The story is set on one such excursion, at a train station in Spain. Of the
complications that might arise from starting a family, one is certain to him: travelling, sight-seeing, and his
current lifestyle would be things of the past. These are some of his motivating thoughts as he pleads his
case for terminating the pregnancy. He chooses his words advantageously, almost deceitfully, when trying
to convince the girl that an abortion is easy surgery: "It's not really an operation at all". Those familiar with
the abortion procedure can affirm that it is an operation, and is rarely a simple one. This remark reveals
how desperate he is to make the decision for the girl. The man further complicates the discussion by
contradicting himself. For each time he reassures the girl he wants what she wants, he spends at least one
line identifying exactly what he wants. This is clearly seen in the following conversation: "You've got to
realize...that I don’t want you to do it if you don't want to. I'm perfectly willing to go through with it if it means
anything to you." So far it sounds as if his only wish is for her to do what she wants. But when she asks if it
means anything to him, he immediately responds, "Of course it does. But I don't want anybody but you. I
don't want anyone else. And I know it's perfectly simple".
The man, however, is not the sole contributor to the communication breakdown. Right away the girl begins
to show her weakness and inability to express herself. When the man initially directs the conversation to
the operation (abortion), her reaction is described: "The girl looked at the ground the table legs rested on
[and]...did not say anything". Failure to state her conviction is illustrated in this example, and is further
indicated by frail hints of her desire to keep the baby: "Once they take it away, you never get it back". An
obvious hint, yet she never clearly voices her hunger to have the baby. She continues to desire his will over
hers in lines such as this one: "Then I'll do it [have an abortion[. Because I don't care about me".
After a few of these vain attempts to convince the man to consider having the baby, she implores him to
"Please. please please please please please please stop talking"(272). The author uses her avoidance of
confrontation and denial of self-expression to assure the reader that the girl's weak and dependent nature
prevents her from verbally expressing her point of view. Even the use of character terms --the man and the
girl -- reinforces this effect.
For the sake of the story, Hemingway's display of communication breakdown between the man and the girl
is a beneficial one. The couple could have resolved this conflict quickly if the man had stated, "I do not
want my lifestyle altered by a baby and consider an abortion the only realistic alternative" and the woman
had responded, "I disagree. I want to have this baby and that is what I am going to do." But if that
happened, the story would have begun and ended in a couple of boring paragraphs. The lack of real
conflict would have detracted from the obscurity of the story's theme and the conflict of both characters'
points of view. One of the attractions of this story is the element of the unknown; it is the privilege of the
reader to fill in the blanks, to tie up loose ends at his or her own discretion. It is advantageous to the reader
that the man and the girl do not communicate clearly. Additionally, Hemingway incorporates a clever title to
add appeal to this story.. A white elephant can also been defined as an item that is worthless to one but
priceless to another, bringing to mind the saying, one man's trash is another man's treasure. In the case of
Hemingway's couple, the baby represents something of no apparent value to the man, yet priceless to the