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Border Birds


By Rosamund Rushton

Materials Required:

White cartridge paper.

Black waterproof pen.

Small piece of thin card.

Gouache or watercolour paints.

Small watercolour or stencil brushes.

Pencil, ruler and scissors.

Deckled edge scissors.

Peel off sticker greetings.

P.V.A. Craft Adhesive.

Card mount: SF06U, Bright Yellow.

To Make The Card:

The little border motifs can be repro-

duced in various ways. The chickens
were made using the pattern to cut a
stencil. The penguins were produced by

using the stencil as a template and the
robins were traced from the pattern then

I chose to paint the chickens using the

stencil as this gives them a nice fluffy
outline. Draw the body shape onto a piece
of thin card and cut it out using pointed
nail scissors. It is easier to start from the
body centre, cutting to the outside in a
series of snips before carefully cutting out
the shape.

Try out the stencil on spare paper

using the stencil brush and fairly thick
yellow gouache. Wipe the back of the

Actual Size

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stencil between each application to avoid
smudges. Any uneven edges on the chicken can
be easily touched up with the paint brush. These
trial chickens, if successful can be used for gift
tags later.

Using the deckled edge scissors, cut a 110mm

square of white cartridge paper. Stencil the
chickens round the edge of the paper varying
the angle you place the stencil at each time so
the chickens face in different directions.

When the paint has dried add the feet, eyes

and beaks with the black pen. Paint in the grass
using green paint and a fine brush or draw it in
with a green felt tipped pen.

Glue the panel onto the card front and add a

peel off sticker greeting to complete.

The penguins were made by cutting the

stencil as for the chickens but using this as a
template, drawing round the inside with a black
pen for the body shape and painting (freehand)
inside the outline.

Make the deckled panel as before and draw

the penguins round the border keeping all the
shapes upright rather than at different angles.
Remove the template before painting the pen-
guins. Carefully paint in the heads and the
body edges on the four corner penguins with
black gouache.

The remaining penguins will face different

directions, paint the heads and half the bodies,
depending on which way they are facing and
curving the wing edge where it meets the white
body front. You can paint the whole shape black,
painting over the fronts with white gouache
instead if you prefer, but you may need two
coats to cover the black properly. Allow the
paint to dry.

Dot the eyes in using white gouache and once

this is dry add a tiny dot with the black pen for
the pupil. Paint on little beaks and feet. To bring
the penguins to life add hats, scarves, nets etc.
and paint in grass and/or water as appropriate.

The gift tags were designed to use up the

scraps of leftover coloured card from other pro-
jects and the ‘try out’ pieces from the painting.
The robins bodies were traced off the pattern
and adapted by adding wings and tails, they
were watercolour painted.

Gift tags are easily made by folding a small

piece of card in half and hole punching through
the corner. Thread with a piece of embroidery
silk or thin ribbon. Cut the edges of the paper
using deckled scissors and glue onto the tag.

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We hope you enjoy this free project. You may hand make copies of this project,
to give away or sell, as many times as you like. You may not use the pattern,
project, text or pictures for any other purpose nor make the project using
any automated process.

The project was taken from a back issue of the Craft Creations Magazine.

All the articles on our web site are at least one year old. If you want the latest
projects, designer profiles, gallery pages and more, then you need to subscribe
to the quarterly Craft Creations Magazine.

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The details above are correct as of 1st January 2002, but are subject to change without prior notice.

Craft Creations Limited, Ingersoll House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 9HD, England.

Tel: 01992 781900 Fax: 01992 634339


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