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Muscle Temperature and EMG Amplitude and
Frequency During Isometric Exercise

Jerrold Petrofsky and Michael Laymon



J, L


M. Muscle temperature and EMG amplitude

and frequency during isometric exercise. Aviat Space Environ Med
2005; 76:1024 –30.

Introduction: While muscle temperature is known to vary with envi-

ronmental temperature and the insulation provided by clothing, little has
been published examining the interrelationships between the amplitude
and frequency of the electromyogram (EMG), muscle tension, muscle
fatigue, and muscle temperature. Methods: Seven male subjects im-
mersed their arms and legs in water at 24, 27, 34, and 37°C for 20 min.
Muscle temperature, strength (maximal voluntary contraction; MVC),
endurance for a fatiguing contraction at 40% MVC, and EMG were
assessed in the handgrip, biceps brachii, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius
muscles. Results: MVC was 44.8% lower for all muscles examined at the
coldest muscle temperature. For all temperatures, the relationship be-
tween EMG amplitude and tension for brief isometric contractions was
nearly linear; however, the increase in the amplitude of the EMG with
muscle fatigue was reduced for the coldest muscle temperatures. The
frequency components of the EMG and motor unit conduction velocity
were largely unaffected by muscle tension but were inversely related to
muscle temperature, with a 10°C reduction in temperature resulting in a
32 Hz reduction in the center frequency. During fatiguing contractions
at a tension of 40% MVC, the percent reduction in frequency was similar
for all muscle temperatures, being reduced by about 20% from the
beginning to the end of the contractions. Discussion: EMG amplitude
can be used to assess muscle use in most physiological conditions, but
the frequency components of the EMG are so related to temperature as
to make its use more restricted.
Keywords: exertion, work, exercise, environment.


HE SURFACE EMG is an interference pattern that
reflects the action potentials in the underlying mus-

cle (2,5,6,26,22). Many attempts have been made to use
either the amplitude or frequency components of the
surface EMG as a means of assessing the tension devel-
oped in muscle or the degree of fatigue in muscle






(11,13,18,22,27). But different investigators have pub-
lished sometimes contradictory results. Concerning the
amplitude of the EMG, some investigators point to a
linear relationship between the amplitude of the EMG
and the tension in muscle during brief isometric con-
tractions (2,13,25). Other investigators report non-linear
relationships between the surface EMG and the tension
exerted by muscle (3,16). While some of the variation
has been attributed to the type of electrode (needle or
surface) or the size or position of the electrodes (31),
much of the difference in various studies is unex-
plained. For the EMG to be used reliably to quantify
muscle use in work or even in pilots in combat, these
irregularities must be resolved.

A number of factors have been identified that might

alter the amplitude and frequency components of the
EMG in relation to tension or fatigue. Some of the
variation in EMG amplitude and frequency have been
attributed to the proportion of fast and slow fibers in
the underlying muscle (9,30), the placement of the elec-
trodes (8,9) and thickness of fat under the skin (4), and
age (21). Gerdle et al. (8,9) showed that if the mean
power of the EMG was used instead of the mean fre-
quency, there was no variation in mean power fre-
quency with tension.

One variable that has not been well accounted for is

muscle temperature. Muscle temperature varies among
different muscles and in the same muscle. The resting
muscle temperature of the brachioradialis muscle, for
example, has been reported to be about 30°C in the
bare-armed individual in a thermally neutral environ-
ment (23,29). This temperature is about 7°C below that
of the core temperatures. This is because muscles are in
the shell tissues of the body and work as a physiological
radiator to control central body temperature. Muscles
more proximal to the core are somewhat warmer than
muscles more distal to the central axis of the body (32).
This resting temperature is closer to the core in people
with high body fat contents and cooler in thin people
(23). In moderately overweight people, even peripheral
muscles such as the brachioradialis can approach core
temperature in the resting individual due to the insu-
lative power of body fat (24). Since warm blood enters
the muscle during post-exercise hyperemia, previous
light exercise warms muscle to core body temperature,
or even higher, due to the combined effect of heat
generation in muscle and the heat delivered by arterial
blood (7).

Thus deep muscle temperature, due to clothing, pre-

vious exercise, body fat, and other conditions may vary

From the Department of Physical Therapy, Loma Linda University,

Loma Linda, CA and Department of Physical Therapy, Azusa Pacific
University, Azusa, CA.

This manuscript was received for review in January 2003. It was

accepted for publication in September 2005.

Address reprint requests to: Jerrold Petrofsky, Ph.D., J.D., Professor

and Director of Research, Department of Physical Therapy, Loma








Reprint & Copyright © by Aerospace Medical Association, Alexan-

dria, VA.


Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Vol. 76, No. 11 November 2005

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The conduction velocity of nerve and muscle action








(15,17,19,33). Since much of the variation in the fre-
quency component of the EMG has been attributed to
changes in the conduction velocity of motor unit action
potentials, some of the variation in EMG amplitude and
frequency seen by different investigators and in differ-
ent subjects may be due to differences in the tempera-
ture of the muscles.

Therefore, the present investigation was conducted to

examine the variation in the amplitude and frequency
components of the EMG that occur in two upper and
two lower body muscles in relationship to the temper-
ature of the muscle during brief isometric contractions.
Further, fatiguing isometric contractions at 40% of the
muscle’s maximal strength were used to see the impact
of temperature of the muscle and fatigue together on
the properties of the surface EMG.



Seven male subjects participated in these experi-

ments. Their mean age was 25

⫾ 3.1 yr, mean weight

was 61.2

⫾ 8.3 kg, and their mean height was 171 ⫾ 16.4

cm. All subjects were free of any neuromuscular defi-
cits. The Institutional Review Board approved all pro-
tocols and all procedures were explained to each subject
who signed a statement of informed consent.


The electromyogram (EMG) was recorded through

two bipolar vinyl foam adhesive electrodes (silver-sil-
ver chloride) with an active surface area of 0.5 sq cm.
One electrode was placed over the belly and the second
electrode was 2 cm distal. The EMG was amplified with
a gain of 5000 using a 4-channel EMG amplifier (Biopac
Systems MP100, Goletta, CA) whose frequency re-
sponse was flat from DC to 1000 Hz. The common
mode rejection ratio of the amplifiers was greater than
120 db. The EMG electrode leads were extended to 10 ft.
By using 100% shielded cable and low capacitance ca-
ble, the transfer function of the EMG was unaffected by
cable length. Further, by operating the system on bat-
tery, the signal to noise ratio was kept at greater than
120 db even with the long cable length. The EMG was
then digitized at 2000 samples per second per channel,
the maximum sampling speed of the BioPac MP100
system, through a 16-bit analog to digital converter. To
waterproof the electrodes, a layer of collodion was ap-
plied around, and on top of the electrodes so that the
electrodes would stick to the skin under water and the
water would not seep under the electrodes and change
electrode impedance. This technique has been used by
us previously over periods of as long as 4 h. Through-
out this period, there was no variation in EMG ampli-
tude or electrode impedance (23,24). Others, who have
not used a waterproofing agent, have shown a signifi-
cant difference in EMG amplitude in water and land for
a given strength of muscle contraction (3).

The amplitude of the EMG was assessed by half wave

rectifying and calculating the root mean square voltage

from the EMG. The EMG is composed of waves of
various frequencies. Therefore to get a measure of the
average frequency, a 2048-point Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) was used. While frequencies occur as high as
10,000 Hz, 99% of all EMG wave frequencies occur
below 500 Hz and therefore a sampling frequency of
2000 samples



accounts for most of the frequency

components of the EMG. From the frequency spectrum,
the average (center) frequency of the spectrum was
calculated to represent the mean frequency of the EMG.
This technique has been published in detail elsewhere

For both the amplitude and center frequency, when

normalization was used, the EMG amplitude or fre-
quency was divided by the amplitude or frequency
during the maximal effort. In this way, variation from
subject to subject was eliminated.

Measurement of Conduction Velocity

Conduction velocity was measured during the brief

isometric contractions by the method described by
Arendt-Nielsen and Mills (1). Briefly, three additional
self adhesive electrodes were placed on the distal end of
the muscles being studied. The electrodes were placed
parallel to the muscles fibers and 15 mm apart in a
bipolar array. The third electrode in the center was the
common and the 2 EMG signals were amplified and
compared to determine the conduction velocity across
the array. The handgrip muscles were too complex to
measure conduction velocity and only the other three
muscle groups were used for these studies.

Measurement of Muscle Strength and Endurance

Isometric strength and endurance were measured in

four muscles or muscle groups. These were the hand-
grip, biceps brachii, quadriceps, and medial gastrocne-
mius. For each muscle or muscle group, the body was
positioned to minimize the use of other muscles by
substitution (14). This involved placement of the body
in the appropriate position to best isolate the muscles
without any restraints (14). This was verified by EMG
on other muscles that might be used during the con-
tractions. For the handgrip, the triceps and biceps
brachii were monitored. For the biceps brachii, the del-
toids and trapezius muscles were monitored. For the
quadriceps, the lower back muscles were recorded, and
for the medial gastrocnemius, hamstring and gluteus
maximus muscles were recorded. Subjects were initially
trained not to substitute other muscles by watching an
EMG monitor. All measuring devices were water-
proofed and battery operated so that they could be used
safely in water baths.

For all muscle groups, strength was assessed as the

greatest of three maximum voluntary efforts (3 s each);
1 min was allowed between contractions. Isometric en-
durance was accomplished by having subjects sustain a
fraction of their maximum strength until, due to fatigue,
tension dropped by 5%. The length of time the tension
was held was the endurance time.

The strength and endurance of the handgrip muscles

was measured through a portable handgrip dynamom-



Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Vol. 76, No. 11 November 2005

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eter. The handgrip was constructed from an aluminum
C frame with a palm bar. A square aluminum frame
was in the center and was connected through a univer-
sal joint to a stainless steel bar. By placing the hand in
the device with the fingers curled around the inner bar,
any contraction of the muscle would bend the stainless
steel bar and cause an electrical output from four strain
gauges (FLA-b-350 –17-IL, TML Corp., Tokyo, Japan),
which could then be amplified and displayed. This
device has been described elsewhere (23).

Biceps brachii: The device used to measure isometric

tension of the biceps brachii consisted of a similar iso-
metric strain gauge device. The subjects sat with their
arm dependant and at an angle of 90°. A strap was
applied at the wrist and connected to an isometric stain
gauge transducer bar (FLA-b-350 –17-IL, TML Corp.,
Tokyo, Japan). Tension exerted by the biceps brachii
could then be monitored through the electrical output
of the strain gauges.

Quadriceps: Similarly, the subject was in the sitting

position with the leg held dependant. The knee was
bent at 90° and an ankle strap connected to a stainless
steel transducer bar. Extension of the knee could then
be recorded.

Gastrocnemius: The strength of the gastrocnemius

muscles was assessed with the subject in a seated posi-
tion and the knee at 90°. A modified ankle foot orthosis
was applied with a movable ankle joint. A cable under
the first metatarsal head connected to a strain gauge
mounted about 1 m cephalic and above the surface of
the tibia on the plastic of the brace. The cable was
connected in series with a strain gauge load cell, which
produced an electrical output on extension of the ankle
joint. Since the leg was dependant, only the angle ex-
tensors could participate in generating tension in the
load cell. Only the EMG from the medial gastrocnemius
was studied.

Measurement of Muscle Temperature

Muscle temperature was measured through a needle

thermistor probe. The probes were constructed from
25-gauge needle stock, which was sharpened on one
end. A thermistor (Fendwall Corp., Pawtucket, RI) was
inserted through the needle along with a Teflon coated
platinum wire. The wires were glued in place so that
the thermistor was just behind the needle tip and the
platinum wire was exposed on the end. In this manner,
the single wire could be used for electrical stimulation
to verify the position of the needle. Once in position the
needle was removed leaving the thermister in place.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis involved the calculation of means,

standard deviations, and paired and unpaired t-tests,
and ANOVA. Paired t-tests were used to compare the
data from the same subjects under two conditions while
group data were compared under two conditions with
unpaired t-tests. The best fit line to the data was calcu-
lated by the method of least squares (linear regression).
The level of significance was chosen as p

⬍ 0.05.


All subjects were first trained to exert isometric con-

tractions and to carry these to fatigue. Training in-
volved, on a different experimental day, sessions on
each muscle group to be tested. At 5 min after strength
was measured, a series of contractions at 20, 40, 60, and
80% MVC were conducted while the subject watched
the EMG monitors to assure that muscle use, as as-
sessed from surface electrodes, only involved the mus-
cles being studied. After a 5-min rest period, a sus-
tained contraction at a tension of 40% MVC was
conducted in the handgrip and quadriceps muscles.
Training was conducted on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday of successive weeks until the coefficient of vari-
ation in strength and endurance for each muscle group
(SD/mean) reached 5% or less from day to day.


Each subject participated under all four experimental

conditions. Each condition was presented at random to
each subject. On each of four separate days for each of
four muscle groups (two upper body and two lower
body), each subject first came into the laboratory wear-
ing shorts and short sleeved shirts and rested for 30 min
in a room which was kept at 21–22°C. Within the first
few minutes, a thermistor probe was inserted into the
belly of the muscle being studied. Once the motor point
was found as the first twitch of the muscle with a small
electrical stimulus, the probe was inserted 0.5 cm
deeper. The needle was then removed leaving the ther-
mister. This procedure was only accomplished for the
first measurement on each muscle group, after which a
waterproof mark was made to the site and the needle
depth was measured for successive studies. The wire
was protected as it left the skin by a coat of collodian as
a water-proofing agent.

After the initial rest period, the subjects put either

their arm or leg in a water bath above the muscle group
being studied. The arm or leg was immersed for 20 min
and muscle temperature was monitored. Strength was
determined and 5 min later subjects exerted 3-s contrac-
tions at 20, 40, 60, and 80% MVC. A period of 3 min was
allowed between contractions and all tensions were
done in replicate and randomly selected by statistical
tables. The EMG and conduction velocity were re-
corded during these efforts. After 10 min, a fatiguing
contraction was accomplished at 40% MVC in the hand-
grip and quadriceps muscles. In total, each subject per-
formed these protocols 16 times. The arm or leg re-
mained in the bath throughout the experiment to
maintain temperature constant.


Change in Muscle Temperature After Immersion

The resting muscle, temperature of the biceps brachii,

brachioradialis, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius muscles
was 33

⫾ 0.8, 29 ⫾ 1.3, 34 ⫾ 2.1, 29 ⫾ 1.8°C, respec-

tively. The muscles more proximal to the body had the
highest resting muscle temperature, averaging 4.1°C
greater than the more distal muscles. However, for all



Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Vol. 76, No. 11 November 2005

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four muscle groups, once the limb had been submerged
in the water, the muscle temperature rapidly came to
equilibrium with the water bath, coming to the temper-
ature of the bath within 15 min of immersion. As shown
in Fig. 1, for example, for the biceps brachii, for the first
5 min, muscle temperature changed rapidly toward that
of the bath. The change in muscle temperature was
greatest after immersion in the coolest water tempera-
ture examined.

EMG and Tension

For all the muscles examined, the muscle strength for

any of the four muscle groups was not different among
the three highest bath temperatures. However, the max-
imum strength was significantly less after immersion in
the coolest bath (p

⬍ 0.01 for all four muscle groups),

averaging 55.2

⫾ 11.2% of the strength in the warmest


The relationship between EMG and tension is illus-

trated in Fig. 2. The relationship between tension and
normalized EMG amplitude was not affected by the
water temperature. For all four muscle groups,
ANOVA showed no statistical difference in the relative
amplitude of the EMG at any submaximal tension at
any muscle temperature. For the biceps brachii (Panel
A) and gastrocnemius muscles, the relationship be-
tween tension and the relative amplitude of the EMG
was slightly nonlinear. For the quadriceps (Panel B)
there was a linear relationship. However, the best fit
curve was a linear regression and not a polynomial fit.
There were some tensions where the EMG amplitude,
for example, fell below that expected for a linear rela-
tionship. For the biceps brachii for example, the EMG
amplitude at 60% MVC in 24 deg water was only 51

11.9% that of the MVC. But there was no consistency
relating temperature or muscle group in these devia-
tions in linearity. The absolute magnitude of the EMG
during an MVC was quite variable from one subject to
the next. While there was a trend toward a lower max-
imum EMG amplitude in the coldest water in absolute
terms, the large standard deviations left no statistical
difference here. However, when a subject was com-
pared against himself (ANOVA), the EMG amplitude
was significantly lower only after immersion in the
coldest bath temperature (p

⬍ 0.01).

The center frequency of the EMG during the brief

contractions and at the four bath temperatures and four
muscle groups is represented by the biceps brachii in
Fig. 3

, showing the center frequency of the EMG during

a brief isometric contraction measured at tensions of 20,
40, 60, 80, and 100% MVC in each bath temperature.
Whereas the amplitude of the EMG was similar at all
but the coolest bath temperatures, this was not true of
the frequency components of the EMG. For all 4 muscle
groups as shown here for the biceps brachii, the EMG
changed shape in the cooler baths. As the bath temper-
ature was reduced, the small wavelets that form the
high frequency components of the EMG were elimi-
nated and the large waves slowed in speed. The result
was that in the coolest bath, the waves were slow and
without high frequency components. This translated

Fig. 1. Temperature in the biceps femoris (


C) vs. immersion time (s)

at specified water temperatures. Each point shows mean

⫾ SD; n ⫽ 7.

Bath temperatures were 37 (}), 34 (


), 27 (Œ), and 24 (





Fig. 2. EMG amplitude vs. strength of contraction (% of MVC) after 20

min of immersion at specified water temperatures, where both are
shown as percent of the value for maximal voluntary contraction (MVC).
Each point shows mean

⫾ SD; n ⫽ 7. A.) Biceps brachii; B.) Quadriceps.

The regression equation for panel A is y

⫽ 19.67x ⫺ 25.13 and for panel

B is y

⫽ 19.91x ⫺ 22.53. Bath temperatures were 37 (}), 34 (f), 27 (Œ),

and 24 (


Fig. 3. Center frequency vs. tension for brief isometric contractions

with regression lines. Each point shows mean

⫾ SD; n ⫽ 7. Legend as

in Fig. 2.



Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Vol. 76, No. 11 November 2005

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numerically to a reduction in the center frequency of the
EMG in relation to bath temperature. There was no
statistical difference between the frequency of the EMG
at the same muscle temperature for any of the four
muscle groups, but the differences in center frequency
between each muscle temperature were significantly
different (p

⬍ 0.01). The relationship between tension

and center frequency of the EMG showed no change at
any temperature examined. The amplitude and the cen-
ter frequency of the EMG during fatiguing isometric
contractions are represented in Fig. 4 for the handgrip
muscles. All muscles responded similarly, with the
EMG amplitude increasing during the fatiguing exer-
cise while the frequency was reduced. But while fre-
quency was reduced by the same percentage at fatigue
(panel B) for any bath temperature, the amplitude of the
EMG was increased less in the coolest bath compared
with the warmest bath (ANOVA p

⬍ 0.01).

The conduction velocity of the muscle action poten-

tials (MUAP) was calculated for brief isometric contrac-
tions of all groups except the handgrip muscles. There
was no statistical difference for the subjects between the
MUAP conduction velocity and tension for any of the
contraction tensions examined here when looking at a
single temperature of immersion. However, the differ-
ence between the different baths was significant for all
muscle groups (p

⬍ 0.01). Therefore, Fig. 5 only shows

the mean conduction velocity for the biceps brachii,
gastrocnemius, and quadriceps groups as an average
for all tensions and after immersion at the four bath
temperatures. As illustrated here, conduction velocity
was highest after immersion in the warmest bath, av-
eraging about 5 m



. The conduction velocity was

linearly reduced after immersion in successively colder

baths until, for the coldest bath, it was reduced to about
2 m





The electromyogram has been extensively investi-

gated in the last 30 yr as a potential tool to determine
the tension exerted by, and fatigue induced in skeletal
muscle. However, while EMG can be used successfully
in many applications, there are a number of variables
that influence the ability to use the EMG in this appli-
cation with reliability. Some of these have been identi-
fied and include electrode type and separation distance,
size (31), thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer (4,19),
and electrode placement in general. Other factors also
have been identified such as motor unit recruitment
strategies (9,30) and age (20). The effect of temperature
on EMG in relation to tension has not been thoroughly

Kiernan et al. (15) studied the effect of temperature at

the wrist after immersion in water baths at various
temperatures on the excitability of nerves and found
that cooling increased the relative refractory period by
7.8% per


C. The rate of accommodation to a stimulus

was inversely related to the temperature of the motor
nerve as was conduction velocity. In studies of animal
skeletal muscle, Gossen et al. (10) found the amplitude
of motor unit action potentials was constant or de-
creased slightly in 28 –37°C muscle but increased at
cooler temperatures (10°C). The rise and fall time of the
action potentials was increased in the cooler tempera-
tures. Herve et al. (12) showed that cardiac action po-
tentials in squirrels slowed in conduction and the pla-
teau widened when muscle temperature was reduced
from 38 to 24°C and then became lower in amplitude
and shorter in duration below this temperature. They
concluded from voltage clamp studies in the guinea pig
and squirrel cardiac cells that the temperature depen-
dence was due to a temperature sensitive Ca



in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and not the Na

or K

channel activity. This same reduction in conduction
velocity of action potentials with temperature has been
observed in man (21). Since the amplitude of the surface
EMG is largely unaffected by muscle temperature un-
less muscle is cooled to the low extreme of physiolog-
ical temperatures, the large changes in muscle temper-
ature that may occur during dynamic exercise are not a
major problem in using the amplitude of the EMG to

Fig. 5. Action potential conduction velocity (m



) for motor units

in four muscles during brief isometric contractions at specified bath
temperatures. Legend as in Fig. 2.

Fig. 4. EMG response during fatiguing isometric contractions of the

handgrip muscles at a 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). A.)
EMG amplitude (% of MVC); B.) center frequency (% of MVC). Each
point shows mean

⫾ SD; n ⫽ 7. Legend as in Fig. 2.



Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Vol. 76, No. 11 November 2005

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analyze muscle function, assuming other variables can
be controlled. But using the frequency components of
the EMG as a predicator of fatigue certainly suffers
from temperature-related reliability issues. As temper-
ature of the muscle shifts during exercise, so would the
motor unit conduction velocity and EMG center fre-
quency. One difference between this study and our
previous studies is in the magnitude of the center fre-
quency of the EMG. While the percent loss in frequency
was similar due to fatigue, the magnitude was different
due to a higher data sampling rate and the use of 16-bit
resolution on the analog to digital converters compared
with 12 bits of resolution in prior papers.

For isometric exercise, the change in blood flow and

temperature during the exercise is modest (less than
0.2°C) (7). But the initial temperature of muscle may
range from 28°C to 37°C depending on prior activity
and the clothing worn on the arms or legs and body fat
(23). If the actual frequency of the EMG was used as an
index of fatigue, there would be no way of knowing
how fatigued the muscle was. But using a normalized
change in the center frequency, as done here, would be
reliable since the center frequency decreases by about
the same relative amount as fatigue ensues. Kiernan et
al. (15) cooled and heated muscle with hot packs and,
while the actual muscle temperature was not deter-
mined, they found no change in EMG amplitude for a
given force of contraction irrespective of the tempera-
ture of the muscle. They did, however, show that the
small high frequency components of the EMG disap-
peared with application of cold packs.

Of interest was the relationship between the center

frequency change in relation to muscle temperature vs.
the change in conduction velocity. For all three muscles
here, the reduction in conduction velocity with temper-
ature paralleled the reduction in the center frequency of
the EMG, again pointing to the argument that the re-
duction in the EMG center frequency really reflects a
change in MUAP conduction velocity.

One difference between this and other studies is the

linearity at each temperature between the tension ex-
erted in the muscle and the amplitude of the surface

The linearity of the EMG tension relationship at nor-

mal physiological muscle temperatures has been attrib-
uted to the linear addition of recruitment and rate cod-
ing of motor units under the EMG electrodes to the
amplitude of the EMG (20). These data seem to support
this. Since the spinal cord is kept at the constant tem-
perature in these experiments and only muscle is
cooled, recruitment and the control of discharge fre-
quency of the motor units should be unaltered by pe-
ripheral muscle temperature. Therefore, even though
the muscle is cold, the neurological activation would be
unaltered by the cold and the failure in maintaining
strength and endurance in the cold muscle (below 27°C)
is most likely due to lower muscle metabolism or exci-
tation contraction coupling and not in excitation per se.


1. The amplitude of the EMG is linearly related to

tension during brief isometric contractions if the EMG

is normalized against the EMG during a maximum
effort at that muscle temperature.

2. However, if not normalized, EMG amplitude at a

given tension is reduced at muscle temperatures below

3. EMG amplitude during a fatiguing isometric con-

traction is reduced if exercise is conducted below mus-
cle temperatures of 28°C.

4. The conduction velocity of motor unit action po-

tentials is inversely related to muscle temperature.

5. The frequency of the EMG during brief and fatigu-

ing contractions is inversely related to muscle temper-
ature while the % decrease in EMG center frequency
during fatiguing exercise is not affected by muscle tem-

6. Therefore, to use EMG to assess muscle fatigue, the

center frequency should be normalized as a percent of
the EMG center frequency at the beginning of the exer-

7. If muscle temperature is below 28°C, the muscle

should be warmed before exercise to make the EMG
amplitude more reliable.


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Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

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