Media Relationsch3

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Media Relations
Notes 03/17/09

Text: Media/Society
(Croteau & Hoynes)
Chapter 3 + Sparks +

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Absent-minded Professor

Holdings (Media Conglomerates)

What did you find out?

Are these conglomerates powerful?

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Media Research Methods

Content Analysis

Case Study

Focus Group




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The Passing of the Pope

Media Coverage in USA

Media Coverage in Europe

Your Viewpoint


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Sparks Notes

April 20, 1999 Columbine High School in Littleton,


Other Shootings

“The mass media must share a significant part of

the blame for this incident and others like it.” (p.


President Clinton asked the producers of media

messages to reduce violence

Real Problem – Parental Oversight

Gallup Poll – only 4% of respondents said that

media violence needed to be controlled

12% -- said the problem was the unrestricted

proliferation of guns

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Political Influence on Media

Understand the political environment
in which the media operate

Structural constraint from the

Democratic Societies – protecting
freedom of the press – still
commercial pressure

Pirate Radio (p. 78 Example)

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Regulation in International

How is regulation different in Europe?

Media development and regulation

Direct Government Operation --

emphasized public service, national in

character, politicized, and non-


State Monopoly System – BBC (p. 87)

Idea of Quality Programming for the

Public Interest

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How to Write a Literature

Literature – works you consulted in
order to understand and investigate
your research problem

“The literature review is a critical
look at the existing research that is
significant to the work that you are
carrying out.” (p.2)

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Questions Your Review
Should Answer (p. 2)

What do we already know?

What are the characteristics of the

key concepts or the main factors or


What are the relationships that exist?

What are the existing theories?

Where are the inconsistencies or

shortcomings in our knowledge?

What needs to be further tested?

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Future Presentations

Jerald Block. Lessons From
Columbine: Virtual and Real Rage
PDF . July 2007.

Media Effects

Create a Literature Review

Turn in with your Presentation

Document Outline


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