040 charts Tracking Workid 5320 ppt

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8 maja 2021

Copyright © 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation. All rights


Keeping Track of Your Work

RTC Build – 1.0

Jazz Jumpstart Team, IBM Rational

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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Work Item Queries in Rational Team

• We just saw RTC plans as a way to plan and

follow work, but there is more…

• RTC provides a query mechanism to find work

items in a Project Area.

– The query scope for work items is the project area.

• The user interface includes:

– an editor for building structured work item queries


– an end-user configurable work item view to browse

the query results.

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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You Can Track Work in the Web UI

• Offers a lightweight way to peek at an

RTC-based project

• Useful for managers and other interested


• Might not want to install and keep update

to date a full Eclipse-based client

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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Services Provided in the Web UI

• Today we will see

– Work Items & Query
– Iteration Planning
– Dashboards (Standard Edition only)

• Not covered today

– SCM browsing
– Reports (Standard Edition only)
– Admin

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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[Exercise] Queries and Web UI

• File: 040-exercise-Tracking Work-Queries

And Web UI.doc

• Create a work item query

• Explore the Web UI

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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Keeping Track of Your Team: Team

• Keep track of things like…

– News
– Build results
– Who’s online
– Changes in work items you care about
– Events in team areas you are a member of
– Arbitrary RSS feeds
– Any other queries you find handy

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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[Demo] Team Central

• File: 041-demo-Tracking Work-Team


• Finding Team Central

• Team Central sections

• Configuration

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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Keeping Track of Your Own Work: My Work

• Keep track of work items

– Owned by you
– Assigned to the current iteration

• Use sections from Team Central

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RTC Introductory User Workshop

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[Exercise] My Work

• File: 042-exercise-Tracking Work-My


• Newly assigned work

• Today’s work

• Future work

Document Outline


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