Letter of complaint
By Marek Szymański
Language in letter of
• Formal language
• Two ways of expressing arguments
- Mild complaint
- Strong complaint
Example of mild tone
• I am writing to complaint about -
piszę aby poskarżyć się na...
I hope you resolve the problem
quickly - mam nadzieję, że szybko
Pan/Pani rozwiąże problem...
Example of strong
• I am writing to express my stron dissatisfaction - piszę aby wyrazić moją
silną dezaprobatę...
I hope I will not be forced to take some further action - mam nadzieję,
że nie będę zmuszony podjąć dalszych działań...
List powinien być podzielony na paragrafy a każdy z nich powinien
zawierać inny argument.
Powód pisania listu powinien być zawarty w pierwszym paragrafie.
Argumenty powinny zawierać stosowne uzasadnienie np:
Although I have operated this device according to instruction, it no
longer works - chociaż obsługiwałem to urządzenie według instruckji,
przestało działać...
Construction letter of
• Greeting : Dear Sir/Madam, or Dear Mr
• First paragraph – reason for writing :
I am writing to complaint about... - Piszę
aby poskarżyć się na...
I want to express my strong dissatisfaction
with... - piszę aby wyrazić moją silną
dezaprobatę z powodu...
• Second and third paragraph –
The main part containing the contents
of the letter - of the application and
justify arguments
Example : First of all.../ Firstly... -
Przede wszystkim... / Na początek...
Moreover.../ What is more... / To make
matters worse... - Co więcej / Co
• Final paragraph : summary and expectation of action
Example : I insist on full refund or I will be forced to
take some further action. - Domagam się pełnej
rekompensaty lub będę zmuszony podjąć dalsze
• Signature –
Yours faithfully - Szczerze oddany (gdy początek - Dear
Yours sincerely - Szczerze oddany (gdy początek - Dear
+ konkretna osoba)
Example of letter
•Dear Sir/MadamI want to express my strong dissatisfaction with a cassette-player
I bought in your shop two weeks ago.
It was working well only for five days. Then the sound started to
decrease and next suddenly increased without any reason. It has been
happening more and more often.
To make matters worse three days ago I couldn't open the
cassette-player's deck, and when I managed to do it, I noticed that the
tape was taken out of the cassette and completely damaged. It was my
favourite cassette. The same has happened today with my another favourite
I can't tolerate such a bad device for such great money.
I demand a full refund I have paid for this applience and two new
I hope to receive money very quickly or I will be forced to take
some further action.
Yours faithfully