Wykład 6 10 01 12

Wykład 6 – 10.01.12

Exam: Zaliczenie z ćwiczeń do 28.01 50% ocena z egzaminu 50%, z Budrewicz, Michalski

Puritan literature, 17th century literature

Shakespeare died in 1616.

1642 – Puritans closed down the theatres. The English theatres never recovered.

  1. Who were puritans in England. Compare puritanism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglicanism.

      Puritans – extreme protestants

  2. Political background of puritan literature.

  3. John Driden, John Milton, John Bunyin, John Donne


Catholicism & Protestantism


Anglicanism – national protestantism


No Pope – bishops instead

the monarch is the head of the church

Extreme protestants

Do not believe that eucharist is the body of Christ – it's just a symbol

Simplicity of ritual, some didn't even want a building

Simple ritual (mess)

Man can be saved by the bible alone, no priest needed

Anglicans supported the king - royalists

Puritans supported the parliament

Civil war after Charles I was executed


Puritans closed down the theatres because they were immoral. In fact it was because they didn't want royalists to have any meeting places. They forbade public meetings (more then 2/3 ppl together).

1649 – Charlst I executed. England become republic.

Oliver Cromwell – puritan was country leader. 'Lord Protector' Man with a great vision. He estabilished a republic.

It's not possible to make republic out of monarchy. He died in 1658. He's son inherited him and become country's leader. Cromwel's son was so terrible that whole parliament went on their knees to France to beg Charles II to come back

1660 – restoration of the Stuards

Charles II

John Bunyin went to prison

He wrote 'Pilgrims progress' which in 19th century it became

John Millton

Was sentenced to death. Charles II persecuted Puritans and they emigrated.

John Dryden

The year of his death is the end of restoration. He was man of Cromwell.

He wrote an elegy on Cromwell's death 'Heroic Stanzas'

1660 – When Charles II came back he wrote a poem to welcome him 'Astrea Redux'

To turn with the tile – jak chorągiewka na wietrze

1668 – John Dryden the 1st poet laureate and until now we have 20 of them

2009 – Carol Ann Duffy – first woman poet laureate

Poet Laureate was traditionally payed in alcohol at the end of the year and 100 pounds. Nominated for life.

Charles II needed poet laureate because he needed a poet to justify his policy.

Charles II didn't have a rightful err (dziedzic). There was an attempt to kill him not to allow his brother to the throne.

Dryden wrote about it in satire “Absalom & Achitophel' – it's about attempted murder. He criticised king's enemies.

Satire – attitude of criticising.

Another satire 'Religio Laici' Anglicanism is a perfect solution between Catholicism and Puritanism.

Charles II died he's brother James II, a Catholic inherited the throne.

Dryden converted into Catholicism and began supporting James, he wrote another satire 'Hind and Panther' (łania? I pantera). Each animal presents different religion. Hind – catholicism, Panther – Anglicanism. In the forest is only one spring where all animals go there to drink but the Panther doesn't want to allow Hind, though it's kind and gentle.

he run from the country

1688 – Dutchman (William of Orange) on the throne. Glorious revolution. He was Protestant.

Dryden didn't convert to Protestantism though king told him that he could be his poet but he would have to turn to protestantism

The whole English nation was so devastated that they wanted just avoid conflicts.

  1. What do you know about Poet's laureate – EXAM

  2. Religion and politics – how did they go together in England in the 17th century (1 example of poem by Dryden)

  3. What is satire – attitude of criticising and mocking, not a literary genre Hind and Panther.


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