9 Wiedza o USA wykład 9

Christopher Columbus

discovered America in 1492


Christopher Columbus was the first European to see foot in what was to be called America

The north American continent was already inhabited

Columbus made a mistake

Probably the people who are called Indians nowadays travelled from Alaska to Syberia (Beringia = route).

The first people to inhabit North American were of Asian origin.

They made the journey from Alaska by crossing the Bering Strait.

Native Americans or Indians?

Two completely opposed stereotypes

The Noble savage – they were seen as happy, innocent creatures of nature. They had ancient customs, ancient practices.

The Bloodthirsty savage (The Ignoble Savage) – according to it Native Americans were cruel, deprive beings who took pleasure in killing.

White Men wanted to convert Indians into Christianity. Indians refused to accept Christianity, the White Men decided to get rid of them. Some tribes were expelled from the area they used to live.

The most tragic period for Native Americans – 1860 -1890 ( Civil War and Post Civil War)

The extinction of American Indians

They have never been exposed for these sicknesses and they were easily dying. ( no anti-bodies)


A reservation is a land set aside for the Native American use

Indian reservations

Life on a reservation

On some reservations the Indians keep to have their own way of living = combination of tradition and modern life. Government provide them education, healthcare.

Navajo Reservation – the largest reservation in United States.

Apache reservation – one of the richest reservation in USA.

Reservation citizens can not get the employment. ( highest alcoholism rate and suicide rate)

They live below poverty line.

Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

The American government finally recognized Indians as American people.

*Wampanoag – the tribe who helped English people (Pilgrim Fathers) survive.

Squanto helped them fertalize the land.

Cherokee – they used to live in American South. They were expelled from their territories.

Cherokee Trail of Tears


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