6 Wiedza o USA wykład 6


The region is located in Great Plains ( fertile, flat land, no hills, no forests)


  1. Michigan

  2. Ohio

  3. Indiana

  4. Illinois

  5. Wisconsin

  6. Minnesota

  7. Iowa

  8. Missouri

  9. North Dakota

  10. South Dakota

  11. Nebraska

  12. Kansas

MIDWEST is America

Agriculture of American Midwest


Great number of German ppl decided to move to the Midwest.

Nationalities that settled in the region

a pioneer's wagon – wóz pionieria

The Midwest is called the base of American industry

The most important industrial cities of the Midwest

Jackowo - all polish shops are located in there.

The Cathedral of St. Jack


Detroit – heart of the automobile industry


Dodge City

The Plains Indians had hunted buffalo which numbered close to 60 mln in the early 1800's as a food mainstay

Landmark of the Midwest


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