powiedzenia i przysłowia


* A fair face may hide a foul heart - pozory mylą
* You cannot eat your cake and have it - nie można mieć 2 rzeczy naraz / nie można trzymać 2 srok za ogon
* Too many cooks spoil the broth - gdzie kucharek 6 tam nie ma co jeść
* It's no use crying over spilt milk - co się stało to się nie odstanie / daremne łzy
* You cannot make an omlette without breaking eggs - gdzie drwa rąbią tam wióry lecą
* What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander - wart Pac pałaca a pałac Paca
* Hunger is the best sauce - głód jest najlepszym kucharzem
* Good wine needs no bush - dobry towar nie potrzebuje reklamy
* Money begets money - pieniądz robi pieniądz
* Money has no smell - pieniądz nie śmierdzi
* Money is a good servant but a bad master - pieniądz to dobry sługa ale zły pan
* Monay talks - pieniądz rządzi światem
* To pay sb back in sb's own coin - odpłacić komuś pięknym za nadobne
* A friend is never known till needed - przyjaciela poznaje się w potrzebie
* A friend's frown is better than a toe's smile - lepszy grymas przyjaciela niźli uśmiech wroga
* A friend is easier lost than found - łatwiej stracić przyjaciela niźli go znaleźć
* A friend to all is a friend to none - przyjaciel wszystkich nie jest niczyim przyjacielem
* Books and friends should be few but good - książek i przyjaciół powinno się mieć niewielu ale za to dobrych
* Children should be seen not heard - dzieci i ryby głosu nie mają
* Every mother thinks her own gosling a swan - u swej matki każdy gładki
* If my aunt had been a man she `d have been my uncle - gdyby ciocia miała wąsy, to byłaby wujkiem
* A good husband makes a good wife - dobry mąż to i dobra żona
* A good wife is a good prize - dobra żona jest najlepszą nagrodą
* A cheerful wife is the joy of life - pogodna żona jest radością życia

· UNCLE SAM - typowy amerykanin US
· To be blue - to be depressed


Krzyżówka sprawdzająca znajomość popularnych przysłów.
























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Początek formularza

0x01 graphic




Out of ... , out of mind.

0x01 graphic




More haste, less ...

0x01 graphic




Don't make a mountain out of a ...

0x01 graphic




An early bird catches the ...

0x01 graphic




Every cloud has a ... lining.

0x01 graphic




Still waters run ...

0x01 graphic




Once ... , twice shy.

0x01 graphic




Too many ... spoil the broth.

0x01 graphic




Great ... think alike.

0x01 graphic





Nothing ventured, nothing ...

0x01 graphic




The proof of the ... is in the eating.

0x01 graphic




Where there's a ... , there's a way.

0x01 graphic




One ... does not make a summer.

0x01 graphic




Let sleeping ... lie.

0x01 graphic




Necessity is the ... of invention.

0x01 graphic




Make ... , not waste.

0x01 graphic




There's no use crying over spilt ...

0x01 graphic




Honesty is the best ...

0x01 graphic




Don't look a gift ... in the mouth.

0x01 graphic


Początek formularza

  1. Prevention is better ___ cure.
    0x01 graphic

  2. Better ___ safe than sorry.
    0x01 graphic

  3. They that dance must ___ the fiddler.
    0x01 graphic

  4. One man's loss is another man's ___.
    0x01 graphic

  5. You can't ___ everyone.
    0x01 graphic

  6. What you don't know ___ hurt you.
    0x01 graphic

  7. Fear of death is worse ___ death itself.
    0x01 graphic

  8. Every family has a skeleton ___ the cupboard.
    0x01 graphic

  9. Better to ___ alone than in bad company.
    0x01 graphic

  10. True love ___ grows old.
    0x01 graphic

  11. Look before ___ leap.
    0x01 graphic

  12. Look on ___ bright side.
    0x01 graphic

  13. Love conquers ___.
    0x01 graphic

  14. Love ___ blind.
    0x01 graphic

  15. Love makes the ___ go round.
    0x01 graphic

  16. Love sees ___ faults.
    0x01 graphic

  17. Love will ___ a way.
    0x01 graphic

  18. Make hay while the ___ shines.
    0x01 graphic

  19. Man cannot ___ by bread alone.
    0x01 graphic

  20. Many hands ___ light work.
    0x01 graphic

  21. Marriages ___ made in heaven.
    0x01 graphic

  22. Might ___ right.
    0x01 graphic

  23. Mind your ___ business.
    0x01 graphic

  24. Money is the root of ___ evil.
    0x01 graphic

  25. Money ___ everything.
    0x01 graphic

  26. Trust is the mother ___ deceit.
    0x01 graphic

  27. Turn the ___ cheek.
    0x01 graphic

  28. Two heads are ___ than one.
    0x01 graphic

  29. Two is company, ___ is a crowd.
    0x01 graphic

  30. Two wrongs do not ___ a right.
    0x01 graphic

  31. United we ___, divided we fall.
    0x01 graphic

  32. Variety is the spice of ___.
    0x01 graphic

  33. Virtue is its ___ reward.
    0x01 graphic

  34. Walls ___ ears.
    0x01 graphic

  35. Waste not, ___ not.
    0x01 graphic

  36. What you don't know ___ hurt you.
    0x01 graphic

  37. When in doubt, ___ nothing.
    0x01 graphic

  38. When in Rome, do as the ___ do.
    0x01 graphic

  39. When the cat's away, the ___ will play.
    0x01 graphic

Dół formularza

Dół formularza


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